You again-1.

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Sehun wakes up to the sound of his alarm, yawning, and stretching his arms high in the air. He puts his school uniform on, grabbing his backpack from his closet, along with his shoes. He walks downstairs to the kitchen to rub his small Bichon Frise dog, blowing a kiss goodbye.

Since both his parents go abroad for business, he is practically living alone, and his parents donate a lot of money to the school so that kids can get the most effective education possible. However, though their own sons don't give a shit about school, they do it for clout, attempting to make it seem as if they care about people and children, even though they want to benefit from it.

This is his last year of high school, already in his third week, he can't wait till school ends. Sehun is pretty popular in school for many reasons, including that he's rich, artistic, funny, holds many parties at his house, and has a perfect figure that draws girls and boys alike to him. Sehun likes the attention he receives. The best way his friends describe him is as a goody two shoes. Sometimes, he focuses on school, and other times, he just wants to hook-up, drink, and party.

Sehun came out the closet in his 10th year of school. His parents didn't take it in well, but honestly, Sehun didn't give two fucks about what they thought about him. He knew his friends will always support him, through the ups and downs. He hooked up with a lot of people, mostly men, but never had a good and strong relationship with any of them. He made out with a few girls but the majority were after his money.

Sehun wants to be in a relationship but he hasn't found the right person, the person that tugs at his heart. He want someone to love him who he is, not because he has money, or good looks, but because his personality, the traits that's make him...him.

Sehun finally arrived at school, everyone calling him, waving and smiling at him. Sehun walks to the roof, where he hangs out with his friends. He opens the door to find Kai smoking on Kyungsoo, his hair blowing in the wind. Baekhyun, Lay, Chen, and Suho are on their phones playing a game together. And Xuimin is, studying for a test, that is three months away. Honestly, he doesn't know what he's doing in the group since all he does is school work. However, he has the looks, so he just lets him hang out with them.

'Hey.' Sehun said emotionless

'What's wrong Sese.' Baekhyun said while looking at him for a short while before looking back down at his game.

'Being single is boring.'

'Not this again.' Kai said jokingly

'Shut up, you don't understand because you're in one.' Sehun playfully punched him. Kai chuckled.

Sehun sighed, leaning over the ledge. Baekhyun walks up to him, rubbing his back.

'Don't worry, you'll find someone right for you.' Baekhyun gave him a warm gentle smile, looking down at the kids who are entering the school building. As the eight of them made their way down from the rooftop and walked to class, Sehun, Baekhyun, Lay, and Suho had a class together for the first period. Therefore, they walked through the door together, causing everyone's jaws to drop. There walks were walks as if there was a model, sun shining on them as they hear cameras clicking.

Sehun walks to the back of the classroom, taking a seat down in the last row, next to the window. When the feeling of blues sweeps over him, he always looks outside. Often, Baekhyun flirts with the cute boy sitting next to him. Sehun is not sure why he keeps trying to get close to that boy. He looks scared, or maybe he's flustered. Eh, Sehun is always confused. Lay and Suho sit next to each other, acting flirty. Sehun doesn't see why they shouldn't just date already. Sehun always sighs seeing his friends finding the perfect match. He looks out the window when the teacher interrupted his daydreaming.

'Ahem...' He begins 'You have a newly-enrolled student whose name is...they'll introduce himself. So please be kind, polite, and welcome him into our school, okay?'

Children murmured, wondering who this new student was going to be. The Boys wish it was a cute, shy female student. While the Girls wish for a sexy, handsome, well built male student. When the principle called the Kid in everyone eyes and jaw dropped seeing the Boy that walked in. His tall muscular legs wrapped around in black jeans pants with holes in the knees and some in the thighs, black shirt with a black jacket with silver buttons. He stood out with his outstandingly red slick back hair, he have a amethyst color eye and a brown hazel color. He stood in front of the chalk board greeting the class with a smirk on his face. Bowing down...

'Hello. I'm Chanyeol. I just came back from the states. I hope we can get along very well.' He looked at Sehun as he spoke the last sentence. Sehun glanced at him with anger, knowing what he might do this school year. Baekhyun looked back at Sehun then back at Chanyeol with a worried and angry expression written on his face.

'You may pick your seat for today, but tomorrow you'll be assigned a seat.' Chanyeol was walking toward Sehun as the principal spoke.

'It's good to see you again.'Chanyeol said. He rubbed his hand on Sehun's thighs. Sehun smacks his hands away looking at him in disgust.

'Don't!' He demanded. Veins popped out of his head, his teeth gritted.

Chanyeol chuckled at Sehun reaction 'Come on Sehun, don't act like this. You know you want this.' Sehun glared at him, as he stood up from his desk and headed to the bathroom. Sehun came back to class fifteen minutes later.

Ugh, He reeks. Sehun scrunched his face. Taping noises came from his desk, and when he looked in front of him, he saw a boy in front passing back papers, so he took one. Placing it on his desk, as he wrote his name in the designated spot.

Chanyeol scoffed at Sehun for not giving him a paper. He took the paper from the boy.

'Do you have a pencil?' Chanyeol looks at Sehun with his hand in the air anticipating for Sehun to give him one. Sehun ignored him as he examined the paper he was given. Chanyeol nudged Sehun, causing him to have an outburst...

'WHAT!?!?' Sehun growled at him. Chanyeol flinched not expecting Sehun to shout at him. The students looked behind them. Baekhyun was worried.

'Can I have a pencil?' Chanyeol chuckled only out of nervousness. Sehun rolled his eyes while deeply sighing, showing Chanyeol how deeply annoyed he is.

'Teacher, Chanyeol needs a pencil.' Sehun projects his voice. She raised her head, and she waved her hand, indicating Chanyeol to come over.

'Come and get this pencil.' Chanyeol got up from the desk, all eyes on him. Walking back to his seat, Baekhyun was glaring at him. Chanyeol smirked as he sat down at his seat, twirling the pencil between his finger.


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