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"Ariana!!! Get down here this instant!", yelled a high pitched voice.

I stirred a bit. Ughhh its too early for this.

"Five more minutesss." I slurred.

"Its 6:34 and you still haven't made me breakfast!"

I shot up in an instant. 6:30??? I will be late for work! Dammit why did I forget to set my alarm yesterday? I quickly fumbled out of bed and started searching for something to wear.


"Yeah, I'll be down in a sec!"

I stopped when I saw myself in the mirror. I was still wearing my outfit from yesterday and my long hair was sticking up in places it shouldn't.

I look dreadful.

I had gotten home late from work yesterday and had to stay up late to study for a test and had fallen asleep instantly. Anyway I should focus on getting ready.

I threw on an oversized sweatshirt, leggings and some old earrings:

Afterwards I tried to untangle my hair at lightning speed while also packing my school bag

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Afterwards I tried to untangle my hair at lightning speed while also packing my school bag. Finally I put my hair in a low ponytail so it wouldn't bother me and rushed downstairs.

In the kitchen sat my stepmom, an air of impatience to her. My mother died when I was young and I have few memories of her. When I was 13 my dad remarried Kim, my "stepmother", though she's more of a witch than anything else. She forces me to clean and cook for her and never lets me have fun. My dad can't even stop it because he's always away on business trips.

"What took you so long? Don't you know I can't start my day without my morning caramel-triple-almond-cinnamon-whipped-cream-latte ?" She said arrogantly. I just rolled my eyes and got to work.

Just when I thought I'd be able to get going two loud squeaking voices could be heard. Oh no... My two stepsisters, Kylie and Kendall. They entered, babbling with each other about the newest gossip or celebrity drama but I tried not to pay attention to them.

"Oh my god, Ariana what are you wearing??"

I turned to them and flatly said: "Clothes."

They giggled and said: "That's why none of the boys in school look at you. You dress like a homeless man, heheheh!"

I ignored them. Talk about fashion sense... they were both wearing matching neon, way too small jumpsuits and had their hair in a sort of palm tree up-do. If the boys stare at them I was sure it wasn't not for any good reasons.

"I'm off to work alright?" I said as I grabbed my bag and then left.

"Alright. Make sure to clean the bathrooms after school, or else!" Louise yelled after me.

I arrived at work at around 7:05.

"20 minutes late huh?" Said my manager, Beyoncé, as I entered the diner I work at.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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A Cinderella Story - Hariana ♡Where stories live. Discover now