ᴍʀ. ɢʀᴜᴍᴘs

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A͟s͟h͟t͟r͟a͟y̲ p̲o͟v͟

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A͟s͟h͟t͟r͟a͟y̲ p̲o͟v͟

I watched as Y/n blew smoke out the window and she passed the bong over to me while coughing. She spit out the window and grabbed more weed out of the baggie.

She put it in the grinder and bust it up. I grabbed a pinchful and put it in the bowl. I grabbed my lighter and smoked it while Y/n was talking to Rue who was laying on my bed.

After I was done I passed the bong, lighter, and weed to Rue. While she was smoking me and Y/n started talking about my friends.

"You know the one who always wears the beige beanie?" "Huh?" I replied.

"The beige beanie and he wears baggy blue jeans" I think she was talking about Kayden. "Kayden?" She looked really confused.

"Is that his name?" Rue passed the bong over to Y/n so she could could start another round.

"Y/n I think your high enough" I said. "Your mean"

I turned on my phone and went to snapchat. I took a picture of Y/n with a funny filter on while she was packing her bowl.

Rue noticed and pulled out her phone. A notification popped up on my screen that said 'junkie😔 is typing...'

I saved the photo and clicked on her message.


| taking pics of ur gf??🤔

| she isn't my gf and i only took a pic with an ugly filter on🖕

| wtv🤓

Y/n was staring at me while holding the bong out to me with her arm extended. I took it and held eye contact.

"Did you know that I saw an armadillo an owl and a bird that hops today?"  "If it hops it's not a bird" Rue said from my bed.

"Shut up Rue"  I glared at her and she stared wide eyed back. "I forgot it's name but it lives in the rainforest and controls his beak"

"What?"  "I said it can control blood"  I dont know what the fuck she's talking about now.

"You said beak"  "I said it can control the temperature of his blood in his break!"

Geez okay. "Y/n shut up I wanna take my blast"
"Okay Mr. Grumps"  She started laughing at her own joke and it kinda looked like she couldnt stop.

Her eyes were really low so I think she's stoned as fuck. "Y/n are you okay?"

She looked at me and started laughing. "Fuck off Mr. Grumps" She was laughing hysterically and Rue started recording.

"Turn that shit off Rue!" I punched her phone camera lightly and it made her drop it. "Wow Ash."

For the next half hour Y/n wouldn't stop calling me Mr. Grumps. It was getting annoying.

Awhile after that Y/n burnt out and fell asleep on my bed. I was finally glad the Mr. Grumps shit was over.

I layed down next to her and held her hand. I started thinking about what Rue said earlier about Y/n being my girlfriend.

I wished she was my girlfriend but I would never admit it. That's embarrassing.

I closed my eyes and my door opened. Fez came in and sat down on the foot of my bed.

"I heard Y/n calling you Mr. Grumps" He started laughing and shook his head.

"I know, shits annoying"  "Oh c'mon Ash, I could see in your face that your madly in love with this girl"

"Bro shut up she could wake up at any second and hear your bitch ass"  He chuckled and threw a small pillow at me.

While walking out he said "Make her yours bro"


idk if u guys know half the terms in this chapter but iykyk if u dont comment and I will explain.

Love you all, eat healthy food, drink water, and take care of your self. I'm so proud of you<33

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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