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A young female scientist, an animal companion, an organization, a mystery.

Elora Fox, her dog Milo.

An acronym she couldn't care to remember, a mission.



An ordinary day, another assignment, an easy pass.

Another credit, a path to the top.


A voyage, clear sunny waters, unknown lands.

A friend by her side, wagging his tail eagerly, excited to explore.

A woman, lost in thought, a sea of tropical fish below her, bright distracting scales.

A shout.

A lurch, air under her arms, a rush of adrenaline.

An impact, the shock of the cold water, a panicked gasp.

A shock back to reality, a splash to the face.

A grasp around her ankle, unnoticed as she tried to reach the boat.

A bark.

A ladder, lowered down, a rescue.

A crisis averted, adrenaline gone, back to safety.

A loosened grasp as she was pulled from the water, slipping away as she left the water completely, disappearing in a slither of red.

A towel, wrapped around her shoulders, a call from the captain, almost to their destination.

Green along the horizon, an island in view, a woman lost in thought once more.


An arrival, a docking ship, a foot finally set on solid ground.

Smoke, over the trees, curiosity peaked.


A decaying sign, an old language, Z╎リリ╎ᔑ.

A village, people milling around, not sparing a glance.

A panicked, fearful stare.

A sense of peace, quiet after a noisy day.

Too quiet, but she didn't notice, too focused on admiring the scenery.

A whistle, calling back an overexcited Milo who had run off into the woods.

A quaint inn, An old woman- the owner.

A quick look when they walked in, face schooled into a calm expression.

A mask, quickly dropped after they left the room.

A guest room, half full of equipment, a voice box crackling to life on the desk.

"Follow...-r... assignment, DOn-...ttt S-sStra-ay from your PaTH, R-e-e-epport your findings."

An instruction, a reminder, the assignment.

A hot meal on the desk, a dog bowl set in the corner, Milo napping on a fallen pillow.

An opportunity for rest, seized eagerly after a long few days' journey.


A new day, a new discovery, another report.

A routine, settled into after a couple of days.

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