Chapter 11

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Y/N pov

I was getting discharged from the medical bay today and I wanted to ask Nat out but I don't really know how. Tony was making sure that I stayed on the same floor as Wanda and Nat as he didn't trust Steve around me either. Steve seems to be hell bent on making me suffer and I don't know what for. 

So Yelena was helping me up to my room and she helped me sit down on the bed. She watched me as I looked around the room. I didn't realise that Wanda and Nat were both stood there watching me closely. 

"I guess being a part of the Avengers has it's perks." I said as I admired the room. 

"It truly does when you do become one." Wanda spoke up making both Yel and I snap our eyes to where they both stood. My eyes found Nat's captivating green eyes, instantly bringing a smile to my face which she returned. 

Wanda's pov

I watched as Y/N's face lit up when he gazed at Nat, I know he wants to ask her out but he doesn't know how to. I watched as Yelena looked between her best friend and sister with a knowing look.

"Yelena, can I have your help with something?" I asked the blonde who smirked at me before nodding her head and following me. We both walked into my room and closed the door. "I think he might ask her soon." I whispered as Yelena squealed.

"I hope so. He's been pining on her for a while." She told me as I nodded in agreement. "I think he will be better for her than those two downstairs." She spoke making me smirk. 

"What do you mean?" I asked her, intrigued to see what her answer will be. 

"Well they both have shared the same past. She likes him as much as he likes her. I practically grew up with the two of them so I know the both of them." She shrugged making me chuckle.

"He deserves to be happy. They both do." I said with a smile. 

"Dibs on Best Man well Woman." She said with a smile making me laugh at her. It was refreshing to know that Y/N had someone with him like a sister. That's what Yelena is like, she is a sister to him.

Nat's pov

I walked in his room and sat beside him on the bed. I don't know why but I am extremely nervous. I feel like a teenager who has a crush. The silence was deafening between us as we each tried to find the words to say.

"Thank you." Y/N spoke first as I turned to face him. I watched him become nervous the more the silence grew between us. "I just need to ask. Would you like to have dinner with me sometime?" He asked me as a smile grew on my face. I nodded as I gave him a hug.

"I would love to Y/N." I told him with a smile. I stood up ready to leave his room.

"I'll let you know the details." He told me with a smile as I nodded before leaving his room. When I left I was immediately dragged into Wanda's room by her and Yelena.

"So?" They both asked me with wide smiles. 

"He asked me out and I said yes." I told them both as they both started to happy dance. "He said he will text me the details of when and where." I told them both as Wanda's phoned pinged. I watched as she smirked before she left the room. Yelena just kept looking at me and it honestly started to creep me out. "What?" I asked as her. 

"Please don't hurt him. I know that both Steve and Bruce aren't over you and Steve doesn't exactly like Y/N." She warned me as I just nodded. 

"I won't hurt him Yelena. I haven't felt like this with someone before. He makes me feel different. I feel connected with the world, like I actually belong here. I never felt that before." I told her honestly. She just smiled at me before she pulled me in for a hug. 

Y/N pov

I waited for Wanda to come to my room after I had messaged her as I played with my phone in my hands. I was nervous about this date. I actually like Nat. I haven't felt like this with anyone before. It actually feels like there is a place for me in the world and it's wherever she is. I was broken out of my thoughts when Wanda walked in. 

"What's up Y/N?" She asked me cheerily as she shut the door behind her. 

"I need your help." I told her as she just smiled at me. "I need help setting up a date for Nat. She doesn't know it's a date. I just asked her to dinner but I want to tell her how I feel about her. I need to tell her because I feel like if I keep it in, I am going to explode." I told her as she grimaced.

"I did not need to know all of that." She said in disgust before she started to help us map out the perfect date. She booked us a table at Nat's favourite Restaurant. She told me that I will have to buy a suit which she had happily decided to take me shopping. Well more like dragged me with her. Once everything was bought and we were back at the compound in my room. "Now we just wait for Friday. I have already texted her from your phone the details but on the night when you come home. Please No Sex because my room is literally next door." She told me sternly making me laugh at her disgust. I watched as she walked out before I could start to feel my nerves creeping up on me. This was something that made me extremely nervous. 


It's been a while. Just a filler chapter guys. Let me know what you guys think. 

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