Chapter 16

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Y/N pov

As Nat and I lay under the sheets, her cuddled up drawing shapes on my chest. I couldn't help but smile as I had truly found the woman that I am supposed to spend my life with.

"Why did we wait so long?" She asked as she looked up.

"Because we were waiting to see where this." I said as I motioned between us both. "Goes. I wanted to make sure that my feelings for you are true and they are. My life is complete with you by my side."

She smiled at me and kissed me softly. One thing I will never get bored of is kissing her.

"I love you." She whispered when she pulled apart.

"I love you more." I said as I rolled us both over and kissed her passionately. Before it could go further, both of our phones were going off.

"It's Tony." Nat said as she answered hers. "We need to go back now." She said as we both jumped up from the bed and got changed. We threw the dress in the bin and quickly handed the keys back and headed out to Tony's car. I raced back to the compound.

"Finally." Steve scoffed as we walked into the meeting room.

"What's going on?" I asked them as my eyes caught Wanda stood by Vision with tears in her eyes.

"There is a new threat." Tony started. "Thanos is coming for the infinity stones to wipe out half of the population all over the universe."

"What's an infinity stone?" Nat asked.

"The infinity stones are what hold power and balance in the universe. When all six are brought together, they can be catastrophic." He said. "One of them is what powers Vision."

"So how long do we have?" I asked them as Tony gave us a sad look

"Not long. I am going with Dr Strange and Peter." He said as he motioned to the toddler in the room. "We are luring him further away to give you guys time to destroy the one in Vision's head."

"But that will kill him." Nat stated.

"What if we didn't need Vision to die." I said thoughtfully which gained everyone's attention. "Wakanda, I remember Dreykov talking about the technology there. How it is decades ahead of our time. Maybe they can help."

"We have to try it." Wanda said.

"I will talk to T'Challa and tell him that we will be on our way and to be ready for a fight." Nat said as Tony smiled.

"Do you think we stand a chance?" Wanda asked me as we stood together in a corner as everyone went over the plan.

"Yes we do. We will defeat this Thanos and you will still have Vision." I told her with a smile.

"What about you? Will you be safe?" She asked me worriedly.

"I will be as safe as I can be." I told her with a smile. She hugged me close as we all waited for Nat to return.

"We need to leave now." Nat said as she walked in the meeting room. "You and Peter get to Strange immediately and everyone else suit up and on the jet. Yelena you are staying here with Pepper."

Everyone nodded and went to get their gear. I caught up to Nat as we all walked to the jet.

"We will get through this." She said. "We will get through this right?" She asked uncertainly.

"Of course we will. This may be our biggest threat but we are a family and we protect our own no matter what." I told her softly. She kissed me softly before we took off. Wanda and Vision were off in a corner having their own discussion.

"I know you don't like me. Hell I know you hate me but we need to work together." I told Steve who just rolled his eyes. "After this fight, you can go back to hating me and picturing my death but right now we need to fight together. The universe depends on us working as a team." He just nodded as we flew through some sort of force field.

I stayed back on the jet for a moment as everyone greeted the king. When I thought I was alone, I heard footsteps approaching me.

"You are going to fight to the death aren't you?" T'Challa spoke from behind me.

"Of course I will. The two most important people in my life are here to fight too and I will protect them both until my last breath. Even if I have to take Thanos with me." I told him as he patted my shoulder.

"I admire that courage. A true quality of a leader." He said with a smile. "Come. We need to head up to the lab."

I followed him upstairs to his sister, Shuri's lab and saw as she was having a discussion with Bruce as Vision was on the table.

"You can get it out of him?" I asked her as she nodded

"But it will take time." She said.

"How much time?" I asked her.

"As much as you can give me." She said, before I could respond an alarm went off. Okoye brought up a hologram in the palm of her hand and we saw some sort of ships entering the atmosphere above us.

"Ok, we need that stone out of his head and sis, you blow it to hell." I spoke up authoritively. "Everyone else to your positions." I ordered as we all left Vision in the hands of Shuri and Wanda. I knew that she would protect them both as the stone was extracted while we went to the border and waited for the attack.


It is coming to an end soon guys. Please let me know what you think.

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