Get on the damn bus

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" I don't know Ray apparently it's a new training thingie their trying out, I think it's called the USJ?'' Cassie spoke into her phone while waiting for the class bus to arrive, the hot sun beating down on her skin giving the girl a much needed energy boost.

" Universal Studio Japan?'' Ray's voice came out muffled from the speaker of Cassie's phone. " Shit I have a free period today ask Aizawa if I could come. They just opened this new ride that's supposed to be really cool." The blue haired girl excitedly explained.

" Yeah okay okay just give me a second. " Cassie tucked her phone between her shoulder and her pointed elf-like ear, flagging her very tired teacher over. Aizawa rolled his eyes " Yes Cassie Ray can join the class as long as she actually trains. I don't even care anymore."

Ray cheered on the other side of the phone before hanging up. A few minutes later the tall blue haired girl came jogging out of the school waving her arm to get Cassie's attention. Cassie's smile brightened as she ran to meet her best friend.

" Ray, we should go on the giant swings!" the pinkette exclaimed excitedly jumping in the air to high five her friend. Someone behind Cassie cleared their throat to get the two to calm down. " Everyone get in an orderly line by last name. The bus is here." Iida shouted, making wide chopping motions in the air.

Ray's mood quickly soured as she strode forward now standing in front of the equally tall class president. " how bout you get on the damn bus and stop telling us what to do blueberry looking a-"

Cassie quickly pushed Ray onto the bus bowing in apology. Once everyone was on the bus Cassie noticed Todoroki sitting alone in the back. The pinkette looked from her best friend to the boy and back.

She nibbled at her lip before slamming herself down in her seat as soon as the boy's eyes lifted to look at hers. Cassie's face felt hot, the tips of her ears burning red. Ray snickered from her seat next to the pinkette. This was going to be a long bus ride.

For just a split second Cassie thought she saw something moving through the forest that the bus was driving past, the way the leaves in a near by oak tree swished in the opposite direction of the wind as if an opposing current of air had passed by. Had it not been for her quirk and keen observation skills the pinkette would have surly missed it.

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