Step, kick, jump!

229 12 13

(Prompt: Touya tucked Kohane's hair behind her ear to help get it out of her face)


 It was a chilly evening after school when Kohane arrived in SEKAI.

She needed somewhere quiet while she practiced the choreography for her unit's new song cover.

Roaming the seemingly endless streets, she settled on a secluded alleyway away from the Crase Cafe.

"Step, kick, step, kick, jump jump jump. Step, kick, step kick-"


Kohane had fumbled on the second kick and lost her balance, falling sideways onto the pavement.

"Oww... that hurts.."

Kohane sat up and rubbed her palm over her shoulder.

"I always mess up on the transitions from kicking to jumping. I don't know if I can perfect it in time for us to perform. Everyone believes in me but-"

"What am I saying? I can do this! I'm going to show them they were right for believing in me!

Kohane shook her head and stood up, careful not to agitate her sore shoulder. Returning to her previous stance before falling, she began the choreography again. Time after time the girl kept at it. Sometimes caught herself when she tripped, but most times not.

When Kohane finally stopped to catch her breath, she was a mess. Heavy breathing, sweating, and dirty.

After sitting down and finishing off her water, Kohane saw a familiar face around the corner.

"Oh. I didn't expect to see you here, Azusawa."

A tall boy with split blue hair stood in the alleyway, approaching the mess that was Kohane.

"Ah! Aoyagi! You surprised me. I thought I was the only one in SEKAI right now."

"Sorry about that. What are you doing in SEKAI this late anyway?"

"I was practicing. What about you?"

Touya slid down the wall and sat next to the small girl.

"I wanted to check on you. An said you weren't answering your phone, so we assumed you must be here."

Her head turned to look at the boy and she smiled.

"Thank you, Aoyagi. I appreciate you taking the time to check on me."

Touya smiled back and patted her head.

"I'm glad to hear that. I hope you weren't pushing yourself too hard while you were practicing.

"Not at all! I'm having a break right now. I've been working hard, so I need a good rest before I can get back on my feet."

The pair laughed and laid their heads back, looking up at the sky and enjoying each other's presence. It was calming. It was exactly what Kohane didn't know she needed. Spending time alone with Touya like this reminded her of how much she adored him. Her feelings for him were clear as day; anyone could tell from a glance that she was hopelessly in love with him. Even Touya himself must have known by now. The feelings weren't new, she'd had them for a while now, but had never acted on them. She was afraid of rejection and potentially ruining the relationship she had already built with him.

"Are you ready to start practicing again, Azusawa?"

Touya's voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Oh, right!"

"Do you mind if I practice with you? I know you and An are doing this song together, but having someone to practice with might help."

"O-of course!"

The two took their positions and started the music. Touya was unfamiliar with the movements, but he still tried his best to give his friend tips and pointers.

They had been practicing for hours, though neither of them seemed to notice the time flying by. They were too focused on their dancing.

"Turn right, step, step, turn left and-"

"I did it!"

Kohane cheered, bouncing up and down with excitement.

"Great job, Azusawa."

Touya smiled and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He walked over to his bouncing friend and gave her a pat on the back. She stopped and looked up at the taller boy and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Aoyagi. You're a lifesaver."

Touya let out a slight laugh.

"No problem. I'm glad I could help."

Kohane pulled away from the hug and the two started into each other's eyes. Suddenly, Touya bent down and got closer to the brunette. Kohane felt her face flush and she stiffened. A hand reached to her face and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Ah, sorry about that. I thought having hair in your face might be irritating."

Kohane was speechless. She was still trying to process what had just happened.

In her dazed state, she noticed Touya getting back up and turning to leave.

"Wait! Aoyagi!"

She ran over and grabbed Touya's sleeve.

"Could we, uh... do something like this again sometime? Maybe even go out for food afterward."

Touya smiled, and a small blush rose to his cheeks.

"I would love that, Azusawa."

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