Oh great, a Promotion that I didn't ask for

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"A few days past after that event. Bismarck left Graf Zeppelin in charge while she and Eugen are out dealing with Hood's fleet from the Royal Navy. Everything seems to be more calm around the base. Although, thing have changed drastically since the first day."

Dan was walking down the hallways casually just then, Roon leaned her upper body from the right corner as he was about to turn as she greeted him with a smile on her face.

Dan was walking down the hallways casually just then, Roon leaned her upper body from the right corner as he was about to turn as she greeted him with a smile on her face

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Roon: Guten Morgen, Daniel-sama!

She happily said to the male cleaner. Sadly for her, he responded by screaming before sprinting the way he came from.

"Not only Roon seems to have stop trying to kill me, Zeppelin wasn't happy to see me. She told me that I was using her while under the influence of the crystal to have sexual pleasure with her, even though I was avoiding her the whole time. I guess you can't convince everyone otherwise."

Dan was wondering around before spotting Graf Zeppelin talking to Zeppy and decided to approach them for questioning.

Dan: Pardon me Zeppelin, but do you know where the boss is? I haven't seen her since this morning.

Graf Zeppelin turns to him as she shows him a menacing glare with the shadow covering her forehead while she angrily clenches her teeth at him.

Zeppelin: Why should you know? Just so you could savagely hump her like you did yesterday? I may not remember much about you, but I have heard lots about you wanting to have your way with me.

Zeppy: B-but he tried to stop you from having your way wit-

Zeppelin: Now's not the time Zeppy.

She cut her daughter off midsentence from defending him.

Zeppelin: I may be in charge as of now and won't hesitate to kick your disgusting ass out of your position and if I heard anything that involves your perverted ass around before Bismarck returns, I will fire you.

She violently hissed at Dan, mentally hurting both him and Zeppy as she watches this all happen.

Zeppelin: Let's go, Zeppy.

Zeppy: But mo-

Zeppelin: NOW.

Zeppy couldn't help but nod to respond as Zeppelin grabs a hold of her hand before walking away. The little carrier looked back at Dan with a sad look on her face as they broke vision by them turning a corner down the hallway.

Dan: What the hell is going on here?

"Much to my confusion, I decided to dismiss it hoping that Zeppelin's just having a bad day. That or Ulrich polluted her mind of all the negative things about her encountering me at the wrong time. Speaking of Ulrich, I'm still currently recovering from the concussion she gave to me after saving her life, knocking me unconscious. Also speaking of consciousness, I've been having these weird dreams lately. I keep seeing this woman that looks like a fox and human hybrid. I don't remember much, but all I know is about her appearance. I just like to believe that I'm just coping with my loneliness and she's just a fragment of my imagination messing with me."

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