Friedrich has a daughter!?

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The Finale.....



 A weak groan escaped a familiar male voice. Tossing and turning, he kept the pace 'till he repositioned into a fresh new comfortable pose.


opening his left eye in a annoyed fashion, he stared for awhile before shutting it close, snoozing the sound.


Dan: Okay FUCK! I'm up!

Rising from the old stained mattress on the floor, Daniel stormed out of his room, kicking through mountains of empty soda bottles and cans, along side with the stacked pizza boxes. opening the door, he pulled as hard as he can, pushing said empty debris before slipping through the barley narrow crack.

Dan: MA! There's someone at the door!

He screeched as loud as he can hoping that his voice would reach the destined person through the hoarded wasteland. a huge pile of clothing combined with machinery landed closely behind him, nearly killing him while also blocking his path from his safe haven.


???: That's the pizza delivery! Bring that shit to me, and you better not drop any of my dinner on one of my valuables, you sorry piece of shit!

Angry mumbling, he turned course and traverse towards the entrance of the ruined building, angry mocking his mother's words along the way.

???: Oh, I also know you have your allowance stashed in your armpits! So you better cut them out and pay them along with the tip!

Her voice reached his ears, enraging him that she knew where he kept his stash of cash.


Dan: Tip him... how about you tip me 'till I keel over and die.

He angrily muttered while pulling out a box cutter, cutting underneath his right armpit open. He sticks his fingers into the already infected wound, pulling out a green and purple dollar bills, leaving the large cut open causing* DING DONG* some blood to run down his torso, staining his wife beater shirt. He could careless about his physical health as he aggressively waved the bills, flinging his blood all over the dusty souvenirs that his mother hoardingly treasured *DING DONG* over the past decades.


His hair all messed up, his eyes displayed little to no color complimented with the bags underneath them. scars and untreaded wounds *DING DONG* plastered all over his body while some of them look life threatening if not taken to a doctor. 

He opened the front door, sticking out the money with his right hand.

Dan: Here, keep the change while your at-

Shocked, all he saw was no one. Thinking that both him and his mother overdosed again, he attempted to close the door, only to stop as he heard someone clearing their throat. He turned around, expecting a young girl trying to sell girl scout cookies, he knew that he was half right.  


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