Part 1 of most likely only 1

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A boy sat on the steps of a ship that was soaring through the sky, it's name was Grandship, and stared out into the seemingly never ending ocean. After being sent back in time, he and his friends had decided to start over and reawaken all the crystals in order of last time they had done so in the alternate time line. Luckily, after being sent to this new world, the Holy Pillar of Light had taken Grandship as well, and in one piece, so all means of travel were much easier than the first time around. He sighed and looked onto the vacant deck he sat at, it was the same place where they had fought Dark Knight Alternis before the Holy Pillar of Light sent them back in time, and the exact same place where they found out that Alternis' real face looked exactly identical to Ringabel's. Was it only strange to him that no one had seemed to bother to question Ringabel about it ever since the incident? Maybe the boy was the only one who could remember, but recently, Ringabel had been talking in his sleep, muttering strange things that seemed to deeply disturb Edea. He even cried in the latest incident, but everyone still seemed to try to walk around the subject of Ringabel's past... The boy ran a hand through his hazel hair and turned back to the ocean, he had changed out of his Spell Fencer outfit and into his normal clothes. Norende, his home, had been on his mind a lot recently, and his clothes seemed to be the only things that could connect him back there. He heard steps come from the stairs, but he didn't bother to look over, he hoped that whoever was coming down would notice he was brooding like a normal teenager and just leave him alone.
"Tiz?" A familiarly soft voice called out to him.
After hearing the words, he immediately turned to see Agnés, still in her spirit master outfit, her hands behind her back, and her head tilted in innocent question. Her thick, brown hair was in its usual look, and her eyes were searching Tiz's sympathetically.
"Uhm, hey Agnés." He replied, his voice sounding just as blunt as usual, he didn't like that about himself.. He wasn't smooth like Ringabel, or strong willed like Edea, he was just a normal kid, not material fit to love someone important like a vestal. "Are you okay, Tiz?" Agnés asked, seating herself beside him. They were near each other now, and it made Tiz's heart race. At this point, both Edea and Ringabel both knew he loved Agnés, and if he kept acting so awkward around her, she would know it too. "I--" Tiz started, not knowing how to explain how he was feeling. "I've just been thinking a lot recently, since we're going to Eisenberg. I'm just hoping that Egil will still be alive, so we can save him again, you know? Especially after finding that the Water Vestal, Olivia, was already dead in this world too... It seems that things aren't as much the same in this world as they were in the last." Tiz confessed, releasing a huge sigh, it seemed he was sighing a lot that day. Agnés sat back, placing her hand near Tiz's, and even outstretching her pinky across some of his hand, as if silently asking for him to hold it. Tiz's heart beat quickened, he was too nervous to make a move. "Tiz, you are so..." Agnés started, Tiz anticipated her next words, blunt? Annoying? Ugly? "Tenacious." She finished, which caught the boy off guard, it was a compliment, which wasn't what he was expecting.. Agnés wasn't one to straight out insult someone, but Tiz had never thought she would say something like that. "Th-thanks." He replied, blushing madly. Agnés shifted, coming closer to Tiz now. "I am sure that Egil will still be alive, and that we will save him again. And if he isn't that would just simply be..." Agnés trailed off, placing a hand on her chest, there was a silence,
"That would simply be unacceptable."
Now Tiz was sure his face was bright red, and that Agnés must've been aware of his burning feelings for her at this point. "Agnés..." He whispered as her hand embraced his, squeezing it tightly. Tiz turned his head towards her, and she turned towards him, both staring at each other intensely for a few seconds. "Tiz," Agnés softly spoke, pulling her gaze away from his, looking down nervously. "There's something important, you need to know..." Their faces came closer and closer together, so close that Tiz could feel Agnés' comfortably warm breaths. They paused, Tiz wasn't ready, would they stay in this awkward position forever, almost kissing? It seemed very possible, Tiz could never muster up enough courage to--
Agnés' lips traveled the last few centimeters, pressing her mouth against his, they embraced in a passionate kiss.
Somehow, Agnés was able to make up for the lack of courage Tiz had in following through on his feelings, he felt a weight come off his shoulders as he realized that Agnés actually did share his feelings for her, and they finally released. Agnés and Tiz's face still stood centimeters apart, they just breathed, still taking in the previous events. Agnés suddenly pulled back, looking away and placing her hand on her chest as if just realizing the nature of her last gesture. Tiz looked away as well, maybe the kiss was a just a spur of the moment, and it really meant nothing to her at all. Worst case scenarios ran through his mind, bottom line, he panicked. Something laid on his shoulder, and Tiz looked over to find Agnés' head solemnly placed on his shoulder, her eyes closed, and her hand still tight around his. He smiled, maybe it was time to let go a little, and live more.. In the moment. He lightly laid his head on hers and watched the setting sun as Grandship sailed across the sea. A squeal of pleasure came from above them, Tiz didn't bother looking up to see who it was. "Good job Tiz! You finally told her!" Edea's voice giggled from above them, she had always been really supportive of their relationship, but Tiz didn't really need her ruining his moment at the time and became increasingly aggravated. "Huh? I heard something, what has happened?" Ringabel's voice called to Edea, his steps could be heard coming from Grandship's top level. "Look at it!" Edea's voice was a little distant because now she was whispering. "Oh, haha I knew you would make a natural pair!" Ringabel called down in his usual smug voice. Tiz rolled his eyes and wondered how in the world Agnés wasn't bothered by any of this and suddenly heard the sounds of her deeply breathing, she had fallen asleep. "Ow! What was that for!?" Ringabel yelled, probably towards Edea. "I'm just so happy! I felt the need to punch something, and you were the closest thing." Edea explained in an ecstatic voice. Ringabel muttered something in reply under his breath, "Hey, shouldn't you be at the wheel, steering this thing?" Edea inquired, "Well, I heard your cry and immediately came to your aid, perhaps you'd like to join me in the control room for some... Alone time?" Ringabel flirted, Tiz could imagine him smirking flirtatiously. "You better get the hell away from me unless you want me to punch you in the face this time..."' Edea gritted through her teeth, "I'll convince you next time, my love!" Ringabel replied hastily, and quick footsteps followed. Tiz laughed a little to himself as he heard, Probably Edea's, footsteps walk away. With Agnés at his side.. He felt anything was possible.

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