Meeting the Mutant Turtles

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A/N: This is my first fanfic, I hope it doesn't end up cringe.

——— = pov change, it's always third person limited, it just changes who's thoughts they are.
_______ = time skip
[Name] = Your Name
[L Name] = Your Last Name
[hair c] = Hair Color
[hair s/l] = Hair Style and/or Length
[eyes c] = Your Eye(s) Color(s)
[face f] = Facial Features (aka face shape, weather or not you have freckles, any scars, ect.)
[body t] = Body Type
[Clothing s/c] = clothing style and/or color

You were walking along the sidewalk in New York, trying to get to your new job as you narrowly avoided bumping into strangers, keeping your brain occupied by wondering if the streets of your home city would be loud if you could hear due to all the people and cars. At some point you got so caught up in thought that you bumped into someone, instinctively signing a "Sorry" and, to your surprise the person signed back an "It's okay". Your eyes widened and you signed "you know sign language?!"  The person nods and starts walking away but you tap their shoulder to gain their attention again, signing to ask "what's your name?" The person signed back "D"
Donnie had been on his phone as he tried to locate the nearest manhole to get back to the lair when someone bumped into him, not unusual when the streets of New York were so crowded, though what caught him off guard was that they signed their sorry instead of saying it or just ignoring the fact that they bumped into someone so he thought "probably deaf or mute." He then signed an "It's okay". This, in turn, surprised them and they signed something along the lines of  "you know sign language?!" Donnie nodded, wanting to get this interaction over with as he walked past the individual who then tapped on his shoulder to ask "What's your name?" Donnie sighed in annoyance and just signed a quick "D". Donnie then left.
It's been months since Donnie's first meeting with you and he has almost forgot about you by now though he's recently been trying to get his brothers to learn Sign language, they only know a few basic signs and the alphabet right now and it's frustrating Donnie because they haven't even been trying to learn. Mikey knew the most out of the three of Donnie's brothers because he was a fast-ish learner when it came to doing things with his hands and Raph knew the least because he forgot even signs for letters in the alphabet all the time.

Donnie was currently working on an upgrade for his tech bō staff when He got a text. Sighing in annoyance due to being pulled away from his work he looked at he phone, reading a text from April that said "Hey D! I made a new friend! They're pretty cool. They are deaf so maybe they can help you get your brothers to learn sign language." Donnie picked up his phone and started typing a
"you know we can't let people see us"
but then he stopped, thinking about the idea. She was right. It would force his brothers to learn sign language. He deleted what he would have said and just sent
"and why exactly are you telling me this?"
Donnie then went back to his work. Only a few minutes later April texted back
"I could bring them to the lair at some point."
Donnie, not enjoying this idea, sent
"absolutely not!"
Donnie then thought and sent a follow-up text, saying
" least not right now. maybe in a few months once you get to know them more."
"Fair, fair."
April replied, Donnie then put his phone on Do Not Disturb and went back to work on his tech bō staff.
After a few months of April talking about how cool [Name] was to Donnie and vice versa with you about the turtle bros she finally got Donnie to let you meet the turtles, though not at the lair. He wasn't about to let you know exactly where to find them in the event that you got freaked out and sent the whole of New York after his family.
Meanwhile, April is telling you about the brothers that you've grown to know so well despite not even knowing what they were like in person, you knew Raph was a big teddy bear while also being the most physically strong, semi-anxious and the oldest, Mikey was the artist, youngest and most excitable of the bunch, Leo was the pun-loving, laid back one of the group while also being the "leader", whatever that meant, you weren't quite sure, and Donnie, the tech geek and twin of Leo, often with a monotone voice according to April, he was the one you were the most intrigued about because April had once said (as in signed) that he tends to go non-verbal after working on his tech for a while or when he's upset/startled, leading you to believe he's possibly autistic and maybe knows sign language and, if the other's don't know sign language, maybe he could be your translator for them. April was just telling you that the two of you were going to meet them tonight when she got a text and then signed "they're here. Let's go to the roof." You were confused as to why you needed to go to the roof to meet them but just thought "maybe they do parkour." As you followed April.
Once on the roof you saw nobody there and you were starting to think you were lied to when you noticed April's mouth move, seeming to say something like "you can come out now!" And at that you started to see the shadows infront of you moving and from them came four humanoid turtles, one that had an orange color scheme with what seemed to be custom-made stickers on his plastron that looked to be some sort of box turtle, kusari-fundoin his belt, he looked exited and ready to burst with words at any minute, probably Mikey.
Another one was slightly taller with a blue color scheme, yellow markings on his arms and legs and red ones on his eyes, obviously a red-eared slider, and a sword with the hilt being a blue that matched the rest of his outfit he looked laid back as he leaned on an elevated part of the roof this was probably Leo.
And then there was the tallest, burliest and most intimidating one while also seeming very wholesome, he had red as his main color, he had many spikes on his body which led you to believe he was a snapping turtle of some sort, which would explain his size. Definitely Raph.
And then there was the one that caught your attention the most, the one that was obviously Donnie with his tech shell, making it impossible to determine what type of turtle he was, his odd goggles, his tech arm band and a bō staff that was made using tech and was very clearly made with multi-functionality in mind. Donnie was covered in Purple and you could have sworn you've seen that hoodie before. Wait- you HAVE seen that hoodie before. Both of you, shocked to meet each other again signed "YOU'RE THE ONE I BUMPED INTO A COUPLE OF MONTHS AGO!"
Donnie's brothers were confused to say the least, clearly not knowing much sign language and April was even more confused, signing "You two know each other?!" You decide to explain, signing "long story, I accidentally bumped into him on my way to my first day of work at my new job and we exchanged a few words before going on our way." April held back a laugh at that. The brothers were now even more confused, Donnie face-palming and explaing to the brothers what was going on, instinctively signing what he was saying in hopes the brothers would match the words to the signs. Now that you noticed that the turtles had three fingers it made some of the signs hard to understand because it meant he had to modify them to his predicament, which just made it more impressive that he used sign language so fluently.
Donnie was honestly shocked that he was meeting you again, he didn't think he would but he wasn't one to forget appearances that easily, even if he did have somewhat bad vision and had to wear contacts, the superior vision corrector in his opinion. But off of that topic, Donnie asks his brothers if they at least remember how to introduce themselves in sign language, Mikey nods enthusiastically, Leo nods calmly and Raph sheepishly shakes his head. Donnie sighed and said "I'll just introduce you for you, it'll be easier." Donnie then started signed to you, talking as he did so, saying and signing "Orange is Mikey, Blue is Leo, Red is Raph."

A/N: sorry if the text is too blocky I'll try to figure out how I can separate it more as this goes on.

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