The Start Of It All

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That unmistakable scent of death filled the air

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That unmistakable scent of death filled the air. There, in a clearing, a young man stood. Blood dripped from his hands, stained his perfect facial features as well as his clothing; an expression of pure disgust could be seen as his unnaturally maroon colored eyes peered down at the now dead deer in the grass.

''Hey Sung-Hoon, why couldn't we have just taken blood from humans in the city? Animal blood tastes horrible and you know that just as well as I do.'' He asked, turning around to face towards a male who looked a few years older than him, whom sat resting against the trunk of a tree.

''You're starting to sound like a feral new blood with these ridiculous questions of yours.'' The older chuckled and stood up, dusting any excess dirt off his clothes. ''Explain to me exactly what you would have done if you got caught feeding on some random civilian?'' He folded his arms and awaited an answer, only to be met with silence. ''That's what I thought. If you truly have a problem then have fun trying to win the others over with a good argument.''

''Moreover, the amount of guilt and regret you would feel after killing that person would be immeasurable. It would be far worse than any punishment you're thinking of, Ni-Ki.'' Another voice butted into their conversation as the owner of said voice hopped down from a tree branch he had been resting on.

The younger of the three, now known as Ni-Ki, huffed out of irritation. He knew they were right, but simply did not want to admit to the fact that he was in the wrong to them. ''Whatever, no one even asked for your opinion, Jake.'' He hissed lowly as he lifted up the upper half of the deer. ''Can you and Sung-Hoon just help me carry this stupid animal back to the manor?''

Jake simply shrugged at the comment, wandering over towards Ni-Ki and proceeded to lift up the lower half of the deer.

Sung-Hoon on the other hand simply watched as the other two carried the average sized animal carcass. ''Well, it seems that you two have this handled, so I'm gonna head back to the manor to talk with the others. Have fun!''

''Hey! Hyung! Wait-'' Ni-Ki calls fell short as the older boy made a swift exit before his sentence could be finished.

''He really should stop doing that.'' Jake grumbled, shifting the weight of the deer in his hands to get a better grip as they started walking.

Somewhere deep within the vastness of the woodlands, sat what looked like a desolate mansion, left to be reclaimed by mother nature after years of being abandoned

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Somewhere deep within the vastness of the woodlands, sat what looked like a desolate mansion, left to be reclaimed by mother nature after years of being abandoned.

Within the walls of the manor, the faint sound of light classical music could be heard echoing through the empty halls. It was quite eerie as the record the music was playing from seemed to be a bit scratched up, causing certain parts of the song to repeat or to be in a different pitch than the rest of the piece.

Though it seemed un-inhabited from the outside, the group of boys whom actually spent their free days within the estate kept it as clean as possible on the inside for their own convenience.

A young man practically waltzed down the grand staircase with a book in hand, his platinum colored hair swaying with every step he took.

Another older looking fellow was sitting upon a lounge chair in front of a raging fire, enjoying the warmth it gave off as he softly hummed along to the tune.

''I heard that a new group is starting under Hybe today.'' Jake casually muttered as he entered the manor, knowing that the others would hear him.

''That was quite random for you to say,'' Sung-Hoon exited what looked to be the kitchen, drinking from a mug before continuing. ''but I heard the staff talking about this rumored new group a few days ago.''

''What about you, Hee-Sung?'' Jake turned towards the male whom was sitting before the fire.

''I suppose a new group would be cool. Gives us a chance to socialize.'' Hee-Sung stood from the chair and stretched before leisurely walking to the group.

''I heard that it's a group of girls.'' Ni-Ki made his presence known by adding to the conversation. He was met with a couple of shocked and confused expressions from his elders.

After a moment of deafening silence, a young man with dirty blonde hair spoke up. ''I thought they weren't going to try girl groups anymore?''

''Well clearly they want to give it another go, Jay.'' Ni-Ki replied with a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

''Hey, Sunoo! You know the other's are in the living room discussing the rumors?'' A brown haired boy appeared in front of the blonde, taking the book from his hands and closing it.

Sunoo's brows furrowed in annoyance at the boy's actions. Snatching the book back, he bumped shoulders with the boy as he passed him by and continued into the living room. ''I could care less for those rumors, Jung-Won. They're just as another nuisance.'' With the snap of his fingers the music stopped and the room went silent.

''I'm assuming you heard our conversation?'' Jake broke the silence, watching as Sunoo stepped closer to the couch before taking a seat.

''I did, but Sunoo doesn't seem to really care at the moment.'' Jung-Won plopped down on the couch and motioned towards Sunoo, whom was once again nose deep into his book.

Hee-Sung pondered for a moment before speaking aloud. ''Wanna see if the rumors are true?'' His lips curved upwards into a smile as he awaited an answer from his group members.

''I'm in!'' Jay smirked at the thought of meeting this group of girls.

''I don't know, it kinda seems like a bad idea.'' Ni-Ki shrugged as he spoke, clearly unsure of his own statement. ''Wouldn't they find it odd that we showed up just to talk to them?''

Jake scoffed at the younger's words. ''Since when did you care so much about what other's thought?''

''Since we became idols and had a reputation to uphold.'' He replied with a hiss.

''Well we have to meet them at some point and there's no time like the present!'' Sung-Hoon pat Ni-Ki on the back as a means of telling him to calm down.

''Our vacation time is over and we have to go back to the dormitory anyways, so why not stop by and introduce ourselves.'' Jung-Won added standing up from his seated position on the couch.

With a sigh, Sunoo closed his book and placed it in his lap. ''Hmm. I'll admit that you guys have me interested...slightly.'' Jung-Won patted him on the back and smirked softly.

''Great! Let's go.'' Hee-Sung led the way out of the mansion and the rest followed suit, like a group of ducklings following their mother.

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