The Meeting ᴘᴛ. 𝟸

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Sorry this took so long to come out. I hope to be a little more consistent with these releases going forward. Anyway, Enjoy! 🫶

''We're Enhypen of course.'' Jay's lips curled upwards into a smile as he spoke rather casually. Going about this as if they weren't just caught watching this group of girls through the window of the practice room.

Yena stumbled back a bit, using the broom as a form of balance. ''Oh.'' She then bowed before continuing on. ''I'm sorry.'' Truthfully, she wasn't sorry for almost hitting him. In fact, she wanted it to because he deserved it, they all did.

''You're who?'' The youngest female tilted her head ever so slightly to the side to make her confusion evident to them. Most would think she was joking, but she truly had never heard of this group before.

''Enhypen. One of the most popular upcoming boy groups with a amazing and mysterious concept.'' Jung-Won gave a dramatic flip of his hair, staring down at the girl who seemed so oblivious. Was it true that she had no idea who they were or was she simply trying to mess with them?

''Right...and why would said "popular boy group" be spying on new trainees?'' Daisy chimed in, folding her arms over her chest as she now leaned against the door frame.

"She has a point.." Jade mumbled, focusing her attention on the floor. She of course felt the male's gaze on her and refused to make eye contact, hoping he would look away.

Jay thought for a moment before replying to the eldest girl's question. "Maybe it's because we're collaborating soon?" He had heard this information in passing, but had no idea if it was true or not himself.

"We are?" The platinum blonde boy spoke up, voicing his confusion, which in turn, earned him an elbow to the chest from Jay. "A-Ah! Right, how could I have forgotten so quickly." He nervously chuckled, rubbing the spot on his chest where he was elbowed.

"What? Why would we be collaborating with a group if we haven't debuted yet? It wouldn't make sense." Yena was quick to point out how odd and random the statement sounded, no matter if it were true or not.

"Future planning, I suppose. You know how it goes, the company always has something up their sleeve heh."Jung-Won gave a light chuckle and shrugged, finally turning his attention away from the girl and to his fellow band members.

"Whatever the case may be, we'd appreciate it if you just introduced yourself and trying talking to us like normal people next time. Instead of creeping around." She wasn't as furious as she seemed to be earlier, but Daisy refused to let her guard down. Her words earned nods of agreement from the two younger females.

"It's better to make friends rather than enemies during a first encounter." Jade added, nodding once more, agreeing with her own declaration.

"Right right. We'll keep that in mind." The youngest of the three boys gave a small smile, waving dismissively at what was said. "Perhaps we could start over? It'd be better if the rest of the group was here."

"Too bad they aren't.." Jay spoke through gritted teeth and glancing to the side. He was a bit upset at his band members for leaving so abruptly instead of  sharing the accountability for their less than ideal actions.

"See you then." Yena gave a smile in attempt to be nice before swiftly making her way back into the practice room. Jade soon followed her after bowing to the three boys and saying goodbye. Daisy, on the other hand, shot the boys a small glare before she entered the room and closed the door behind her. She had made sure to lock it and cover up the window this time around to prevent what just occurred from happening once again.

"See you soon." Jung-Won spoke, waving goodbye to the girls as they entered the room and closed the door behind them. A smirk replaced the smile his pale features had once held.

Feeling chills go down her spine, the youngest member plopped down on the practice room floor and let out a rather long sigh soon thereafter

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Feeling chills go down her spine, the youngest member plopped down on the practice room floor and let out a rather long sigh soon thereafter. "Well that was awkward.."

"More than awkward." Dread came over Yena as she put her hands on her thighs, bending over. Her facade of bravery could only last for so long. Now she just felt ill.

Sucking in air, Daisy tried to calm her nerves and anger. "Honestly." She sighed. "Let's take a break, maybe a walk outside? It feels a bit stuffy in here."

"Stuffy? It feels cold in here to me." The long haired girl added now standing up and rubbing her somewhat frigid hands together to warm them up.

"You felt it too?" Jade questioned, glancing over towards the other, whom stood just a few feet away from her. "That odd chill in the air."

"How couldn't I? We may have been hot from all the dancing, but the thermostat hasn't been touched since we got here." Yena pointed towards the door wall by the door, and sure enough there was the aforementioned thermostat.

Pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance, Daisy let out a sigh of defeat. "I didn't want to say anything, but I felt it too." Her arms were now crossed over her chest as she glanced between the two younger girls. "For the sake of our collective sanity, let's just call it a coincidence and get the hell out of here."

"I think some warm food and some rest would do us all some good." Jade had made her way to Yena, wrapping her arms around the girl to help remove that unwanted chilled feeling.

Yena, of course, returned the warm embrace, already feeling much better. "Mmm ramen sounds amazing right now. I think that's amazing idea, let's do that!"

The trio soon came to agreement on what to do with the remainder of their day. Instead of going out for dinner, the three would go out with their manager to get groceries for the dorm, so they could cook for themselves.

 Instead of going out for dinner, the three would go out with their manager to get groceries for the dorm, so they could cook for themselves

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"That went well, hm?" The doe-eyed boy grimaced, turning to face the older two males once they had made it back down to the lobby.

"A lot worse could have happened. That's for damn sure." Jay grumbled the later half of his speech, placing his hands behind his hand and sighing.

The blonde hummed in acknowledgement of the others words before speaking himself. "Mhm. The others most likely went to the dorms. We might as well tell them about this little encounter they decided to miss.." And with that, the three exited the building and made their way home.

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