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Ok so this is part 3 hope ur liking it so far uhm idk what else to say so go read it. kagehinaxdroga

Shoyo: woo nice!



Kags: what?

Shoyo: yeah why aren't you happy? Don't tell me your a sore loser ken ken?!

Kenma: no I'm not it's just no one has beat me before!

Shoyo: well there's always a first time for everything!

Kuroo: no you don't understand everyone has tried to go up against him and no one has beat him before like ever in all his years of playing!

Kenma: and also I just taught him how to play like a few minutes ago in the car!

Kag: well idk how I did that I guess I just am naturally good . 🤷‍♂️

Kenma: ok well great good job. I need to use the bathroom I will be right back.

Kuroo: cmon Kenma it was just a game if you play again you can beat him!

Kags: I'm starting to think comming over was a bad idea....

Shoyo: uhm no it's ok it's just uhm 😶

Kuroo: he'll be fine. Your the first to beat him to he will have to take some time to get used to not being first in the game.

Kags: ok 👍🏽

(over with Kenma in the bathroom)

Kenma: (saying in head) Omg he actually beat me! Wow no one has done that before.
Omg do I like him?! Nooo just because he beat me dosent mean I like him. Do I? Nooo
Well he is kind of cute. He's somewhat funny in his own way.

Kenma: (out loud) OMG maybe I do!!!

(In head) omg I said that outloud. 🫣😣

               (Back in the living room.)

Kuroo: uhm 😶 did y'all hear that too?!

Kags: yeah

Shoyo: yep

Kuroo: who wants to go check up on him? I mean I can but idk if you want to?

Shoyo: I can go I mean I am his best friend

Kuroo: so am I!

Kageyama gets up while they are fighting and goes to the bathroom to check up on Kenma. While he dose that he hears Kenma kind of crying .

Kags: *knocks* hey kenma?

Kenma: who is it??
Kenma (In head): fuck I'm  literally crying why are they here?

Kags: it's Kageyama can I come in?

Kenma: no!

Kags: ok well want to talk about why you ran here and why your crying?

Kenma: no not really.

Kags: want me to get hinata or Kuroo?

Kenma: no.

Kags: ok well I don't know how to help you if you won't let me In or talk To me.

Kenma unlocks the door and let's Kageyama in.

Kags: ok so why are you crying?

Kenma: can we go to my room to talk about it please?

Kags: ofc whatever you want.

They go to Kenmas room and both of them sit on his bed. They sit next to each other and Kags dosent want to hug Kenma because he dosent want to make him uncomfortable.

(Back in the living room with hinata and Kuroo)

Kuroo: hey wait did Kageyama leave?

Shoyo: well I guess cause he's not here.

Kuroo: he might have went to talk to Kenma when we were fighting!

Shoyo: trueee

Kuroo: should we just put on a movie and get snacks and just wait for them to be done talking?

Shoyo: yep

(Back with the emo kids. /jk)

Kags: so..... why did you run off to the bathroom ?

Kenma: uhm well at first I was mad because you literally beat me and you only learnt how to play today!!!

Kags: I'm pretty sure the only reason I won was because you taught me. The way Kuroo puts it, it seems like your a great player. And when I played against you, your very challenging!

Kenma: really?

Kags: yea. Your great. We could try playing another game.

Kenma: ok

Kenma try's to get up and walk away but Kageyama tells him to sit.

Kags: no you can't leave yet. Sit down.

Kenma: why I'm good now.

Kags: ok then tell me why you were crying?

Kenma sits back down.

Kenma: well uhm.....

Kags: if you don't feel comfortable you don't have to tell me.

Kenma: ok can we just go and see what Kuroo and shoyo are up to?

Kags: yep.

They walk and see they are watching a movie. (You can think of whatever movie you want them to watch).Kenma and Kageyama sit next to eachother because there's no where else to sit.The movie is a long movie and Kenma starts to fall asleep. 

He lays his head on Kageyamas shoulder. Kenma hopes he's fine with it. Meanwhile Kageyama turned into a tomato. He's so red. No one has done this before except hinata. He's done it once or twice and only in a friend way. They don't have feeling for each other.

Kageyama starts to relax more because he was very tense at the action. Then he starts getting sleepy. It's like 9:30 at night.

Imma leave it at that for now. Part 3 is a long part. Hope you liked it tho. Word count 853

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