(FGoD) A Foreign Wilderness

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Error writhed in pain as the black void entered his mouth mercilessly destroying the absolute core of the god of destruction, this pain didn't allow him time to think or focus on his last moments before his body perished.. The soft whistle of a breeze went by before..

Error wake up!

Yeah..This place looks like a rainforest, or a really old jungle.

So many gippy leaves!

Is that a poisonous flower bush or something? its glowing.

Error scowled at the barrage of voices inside his head wanting scold them but spared no effort before he got up slowly black liquid tracing from his mouth it had a horrible burning sensation that lingered it honestly tasted like one of Ink's horrible punishments or tortures that involved flammable paints that was irregularly mixed with acid, "Why are you all so bloody loud now?" Error's vision was dazed and blurry as he clutched his head softly getting the solemn silence from his skull noticing the greenery underneath him the beautiful array of greens and browns surrounded him as birds chirped loudly in the welcoming of a new morning.

New place!

We're free!

Are you guys stupid?

We're not stupid, gullible, but not stupid.

Error sometimes wished he could honestly have an installed mute button on these annoying voices "You guys need a mute button." Error blinked trying to focus on his surroundings more clearly finding it to be like a jungle of sorts but the moisture in the air was too little. Despite how much it looked like a jungle or a rainforest there was something so clearly off about it, the magic in the air was way to thin for it bear any type of monster life or even human mages in general "So all omni-present voices, want to tell me where we landed? What kind of messed up tourist AU did that bastard of our boss create now?" Error scoffed as he got up minding the blood he left behind and still obviously present on his wounded body the black burning substance catching his attention for a moment before he dismissed the thought of investigating.

Don't know!

Not an AU I assure you!

Can't see what this place is, sorry...

The voices eventually quietened down as they watched Error get lost in confused thought "You mean you can't see where we are?" Error frowned before waving his hand wanting to access the multiversal code or atleast the AU panels but nothing happened, Error waved his hand again but still nothing occured which inevitably made him nervous before he pulled out his soul trying to estimate what was wrong with it however instead found the formerly tight red strings gone leaving his small mangled soul, free. Error could not believe his eyes and rubbed his sockets in disbelief before the shock hit him again, "I'm free..? What-- But how? What about the gang? the chara's? Swap?" Error felt his body tremble in anticipation wanting to find his allies before a soft voice appeared in his skull noting it was one of the main voices.

Error..Do you not remember?

Shhhh! We can't tell him! He'll break down!

But he deserves to know! Its unfair!

Error....Your allies were all exterminated at the Battle of Vials, do you really not remember?

Error felt a ton of bricks hit him as his body went stiff as he took in those words and chuckled bitterly the dark reality of being the only survivour set in again he remembered how he fell into the void now to get consumed and ripped apart, the horrible suffocation.."I remember now." Error in a desperate attempt had tried to steal Ink's vials for a long duration of time but ultimately Fate who found out his potential plan to turn his sitaution around was enraged and forcefully spilled the Mansions location through unknown means, this sudden full power ambush at their home base and headqaurters left the gang at a major disadvantage all his allies except the chara's perished including Swap who unfortunately became dusted outside his AU due to 'friendly fire' and the Underswap AU's original Swap was then replaced by his AU, a horrendously innocent version of Swap who was gullible and even idiotic named Blue.

(Mainly FGoD) Error Oneshots & Requests!Where stories live. Discover now