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❝ ardour— noun ,, great enthusiasm or passion ❞

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❝ ardour— noun ,, great enthusiasm or passion 

a series of haikus about love

love is yearning stares,

fleeting touches, hushed whispers

of conversation

love is pining and

anticipation, silent

despondent longing

love is meeting at

midnight behind the mall,

in pale moonlit alleys

love is falling in

love with them despite their good

and bad and ugly

love is the promise

of warmth and hope and light, on

the darkest midnights

love is euphoric,

clandestine meetings at night,

dancing together

love is small acts, of

care, remembering the way

they like their coffee

love is blind, wishing

against all hope, that he did

not really do it

love is screaming and

fighting and kissing in the

rain at 2 a.m.

love is forgiving

time and time again, because

you want to go on

love is lying and

faking happiness, because

you don't feel the spark

love is falling out

of love, and having to face

the truth and confess

love is having a

last kiss in the rain, one you

never imagined

love is heartbreak and

crying into pillows, all

alone at night now

love is sitting on

your kitchen floor in his clothes

you never returned

love is despair, grief

for the beautiful thing you

lost before you knew

love is locking out

all you love, nostalgic for

when you were happy

love is gradually

getting up, and trying not

to break down again

love is picking up

those shattered pieces of

your heart and fixing them

love is barely, just

barely, holding yourself up

and yet still trying

love is finding new

hope, trying again, hoping

for something better

love is ending a

chapter, but starting a brand

new, golden era

hey there! i'm back! with a series of 22 (yes, twenty-twoooooo! and you have no idea how difficult it was for me to get exactly 22... i wanted 13 but 22 is fine)  haikus about love

i wrote about how love is expressed during different parts of a relationship and the feelings felt during that time. andddd if you didn't notice, i ordered them from the beginning of a relationship, when you're still confused about your feelings towards them, then pining over them, not knowing if they return your feelings.

"meeting behind the mall" was inspiration drawn from august by taylor swift, track 8 off folklore - i recommend listening to it, it's really good! it talks about secrecy, insisting you're just friends. then we move in to the actual relationship

but of course, it's too good to last. in the next poem, the relationship runs into some trouble, and then it leads to fighting. again, "screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain at 2 a.m." was inspired by the way i loved you by taylor swift, track 10 off fearless. listen to that one as well! the original lyrics are "but i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain/and it's 2 a.m. and i'm cursing your name/so in love that i act insane/and that's the way i loved you". 

more drama, in which you, or they - either one, fall out of love and you just fake it until you make it... right? but no, because you break up, have a last kiss. in the rain again, but this time because it's the end, it's gloomy and sad and depressing. more inspiration from taylor, this time her song last kiss from speak now

and then after the breakup, it's the grief, the regret, the depression, the sadness. trying to cope but unable to. pushing everyone away, moping, crying. and then finally, finally... you heal, albeit slowly. but you heal. you pick yourself up, you get back up on shaky legs,  but thirteen thousand times stronger, and realizing... maybe it was the end of something, but it isn't the end of the book. it's simply the end of a chapter, and the beginning of another chapter, a new era. like alexander graham bell said, "when one door closes another door opens; but we do often look so long and so regretfully at the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us"

so thank you for reading these, my explanation of the poems, and as a treat, here's a bonus poem that i cut in order to make 22 poems. it was originally the second last poem, inspired by alexander graham bell's quote. and so, without further ado, here are the last two poems, the 23rd and 24th poem of the collection—

love is staring at

the door you closed, knowing you

can't do anything 

love is looking for

open doors, not knowing there

already is one

❝ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 ❞ // 𝚙𝚘𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now