Chapter 32

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Alaraec entered his father's study, watching the older man scribble furiously on a piece of parchment. Vidanric's face was wrinkled in concentration, and his lips moved minutely as he reviewed the words he had written.  Despite his attention on his work, Vidanric still motioned his son to the chair across from him.  Alaraec sat silently in the indicated seat.

"Have you found anything?" Raec asked.

"We followed Iris's map to her parents' house in the city, but they were already gone," Vidanric said, bitterness coloring his tone. "Took everything with them."

"They left nothing?"

"Nothing incriminating. Furniture and other odds and ends, yes, but nothing more."

Raec raised a brow. "Odds and ends?  Not a term I've heard you use."

"Your mother has rubbed off on me over the years." Vidanric offered him a smile, but it faded quickly. "I'm sorry I can offer you nothing else.  I wish I could."

"I can't believe she's gone," Raec said after a few moments of silence.

"At least you know she's alive." Vidanric picked up his quill.

Something about how his father said the sentence made Raec's breath catch. "What do you know about Iris's escape?"


Vidanric was a career politician, but Raec knew his father.  Standing up, he leaned over the desk and stopped Danric's moving hand. "Father.  Please."

Danric studied his son's gaze, but Raec could not read his expression beyond contemplation.  The elder man's face smoothed, and he leaned back, crossing his arms across his chest.  He said nothing until Alaraec had settled once more. "Bren and Enda had to get the keys from somewhere." Danric held up a hand when Raec's mouth opened to speak. "No, I do not know where she's gone.  But she's safe.  That should be enough for you."

"I want her back." Raec's words rushed out, on top of Vidanric's last few words. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You're not subtle, son," Danric said. "And you're watched.  Enda and Bren are not.  They can move more clandestinely.  Your involvement would have endangered everyone.  It was easier to exfiltrate her without you.  You'd rather her be alive and free than punished for her part in her parents' scheme, right?"

"But she was used!  She doesn't deserve punishment."

Vidanric was silent, his face and voice softening when he finally spoke again. "You really care for this woman, don't you?"

"Yes," Raec admitted.

The king nodded. "We'll do everything to clear her name."

"Why were you so harsh with her earlier?"

"The crown comes with certain responsibilities and expectations, as I keep telling you." Vidanric sighed. "I can't always do what I want to do."

"But you still helped her."

"Do you have proof?"

Raec only blinked at him, clenching his jaw.

"Enda found the key slipped under her door." Vidanric studied Raec, his expression serious. "No one saw me take it there.  I did not knock on Enda's door to inform her of its presence.  No one saw me leave.  I didn't leave a note.  I did nothing to attach my name to the act.  She's gone, yes, but Raec, let me tell you a word of advice—leave her be."


"No.  If you want her back, wait.  Do you think for a minute that she'll want to return if her parents are still on the loose?"

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