Chapter 41

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Iris eventually did travel back to Remalna. She'd caught up with Mellius Ninrat, who arranged her passage to Remalna-city. It was the closest Iris could get to home. She stayed on the outskirts of the capital city, keeping her face shrouded. Iris did not attempt to make connections. After all, she was only passing through, even though her heart screamed at her to go to the royal residence. Use the secret passage if it were still accessible. Find Alaraec. Apologize profusely and never leave.

But she couldn't because she was still a fugitive. Still the one who helped her parents try to assassinate the king and queen. Any of the people she passed on the street could report her to the nearest member of the guard, and she would be back in prison. No hesitation. Probably no questions asked. Back in the dark with only her thoughts for company.

Iris had spent the last year of her life running as far from her thoughts as possible. And here she was, setting herself up to run into their embrace once more. It was discomforting, making her heart pound faster than it already was.

Her stomach growled, demanding she satiate her hunger. She could stop for a few minutes. Just a few, then she would start the walk to her hometown beyond the Niam River. She could not afford a carriage. At least her boots were comfortable, as were her pants and tunic.

To lessen the likelihood of her being recognized, Iris had cut her hair just below her shoulders, added bangs, and tied her locks back into a braid. Her body was also more filled out, her skin darkened by Setazhia's rays. No dresses, either, and Iris had changed how she walked. She had never craved attention, but now she wished to avoid it at all costs. Iris desired to be forgettable, not memorable. Whether she'd succeed was yet to be seen.

She stopped at a stall in the marketplace and purchased jerky, bread, cheese, and fruit. Enough to last her a few days if she rationed it correctly. Donric had given her money before she left, and she exchanged it for Remalnan currency before entering the city's busier portions. At a separate seller's booth, she bought a thin soup, which the seller poured into a bowl he told her to return once she finished. With a grateful nod, Iris moved a short distance away so she could listen to the gossiping near the main fountain. Iris would not involve herself. But even rumors could provide her with valuable insight as to what was occurring in the country. Was anyone still talking of her? Looking for her? Angry at her? Did Alaraec have an intended wife?

Her heart dropped into her gut at the notion. She swallowed a spoonful of soup to take her mind off the discomforting picture of another woman on Raec's arm. He wasn't hers; she had no right to feel anything about the crown prince. Not after she'd betrayed him.

That, however, seemed to matter little to him. If he were mad at her, he never would have sought her out in Setazhia.

"Have you heard the news?" A short, blond woman flapped a piece of cloth in the air to rid it of dust. Iris had to resist coughing.

"Which news, love? You'll have to be more specific." A much taller woman responded, fiery red hair pulled back into a low ponytail.

"The Therens."

Iris almost dropped the bowl. Her hands started shaking.

"Prince Alaraec tracked them down! He brought them back to Remalna. My cousin saw the Therens being transported!"

"He should've killed them," the redhead bit out. "They deserve it."

"That may be the case." The blond woman folded the cloth into a neat square. "But they still deserve a fair trial. If the judges decide they are worthy of death, so be it."

Iris frowned. Did she want her parents to die? Even if they mistreated her, they were still her parents. If she were honest with herself, she never wanted to see them again. She wanted them out of her life for good. All possibility of their interference gone. Forever. There was only one way to guarantee that, though.

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