Memories of Him

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Leah's POV

People say that First Love is the most euphoric feeling.
But I consider the decipherment of feelings for first love the most euphoric feeling. Realising your feelings is the most euphoric moment.

Generally when we have our first love - we're too young, too inexperienced to decipher our feelings. Most of us do not even understand what the emotion of love is. By the time we are able to sought out our sentiments, often, it's too late. Our first love already walks out of our life, or we loose feelings. All we are left with is memories. Memories of them.

Somewhat similar is my story. While I sit on this 10 hour flight from New Delhi to London, with my best friend sleeping like a dead zombie beside me, I have all the time and opportunity to recollect the Memories of Him.

4 years ago
New Delhi , India

It was just a normal day or what I thought would be a normal day. But little did I know , one small event of that day would change me...

Walking down the corridor, practically running down the corridor, after my PE class, I was trying to reach my classroom as soon as possible. I guess discussing my exam sheet after PE class with my maths teacher was a bad decision after all. Neither did she increase my grades , on the contrary she wasted my precious time by giving me a lecture. Now, I was 10 minutes late for the next class.

I decided to the take the shortcut from the senior's corridor.

I was too focused running down the corridor, I did not see a whole person coming from the opposite direction. And when I finally did, it was too late, I had already fallen.

"Be careful kiddo" A voice spoke from above.

"Are you fine? Can you stand?"

My breath hitched , the voice , the damn voice , it did something to me , something I couldn't decipher. I looked up to see a senior with curly hair, sharp jawline and worried eyes. His face radiated intellect. He looked like one of those kids who sat with a book even in the games period. He didn't exactly look like a typical nerd... But judging from the book he was holding and his glasses, it wouldn't be wrong to call him a nerd... Maybe a hot but cool handsome nerd if that made sense.

"Hey, did you sprain your ankle or something? Are you not able to get up? Look I'm so sorry. Do you need help ? I'll walk you to the school infirmary."

Shit... How long has it been since I was sitting in the position on the ground. I even made this hot nerd senior feel guilty when it was me who was running like a madwoman in the corridor, the senior's corridor where I'm not even allowed.

"I..." I was about to speak when I noticed a batch on his shirt. Fuck he's a prefect. Will he scold me for running down the corridor? Will he report me for running in the senior's corridor??

"Hey, have you really sprained your ankle, Is that why you're not able to get up?" He said.

Fuck , I was still on the ground. I quickly got up.

"I'm so sorry senior, I shouldn't have run in your corridor, no I mean the senior's corridor. Please don't report me . I will never step in this hallway again". I spoke.

He laughed. HE LAUGHED. It was so Beautiful. Once again I experienced those alien feelings. But before I could decode what they were, he spoke , "Hey , it's okay. It's good that you're okay, and what in the world is the senior's corridor? Who even taught you that."

" I don't know our teacher's told that we're not allowed to use this particular hallway since all the senior classes are located here." I innocently spoke.

"That's kind of ridiculous, it's our school we can choose our own pathways, no one else can command us for that." This sentence that he spoke had a deeper meaning than what I could understand back then.
"Just don't run around in the hallways it might be dangerous. " He said .

"I'm sorry, I'll keep in mind, I'll not run in the hallways ever again". I said.

"Okay , I'll get going kiddo , I have a class." He said smiling.

He has a class .
Hell, so do I.
Even I have a class I'm late for.
The sudden realisation hit me. The senior looked at me confused. I looked back at him but before he could ask me what was wrong, I ran. I ran again through the senior's hallway. But this time I made sure I reached my class without bumping into anymore hot seniors.

I reached outside my class , looked at my watch, 5 minutes left for the bell. I had two options - First, I go inside the class , get looks from everybody, tell the teacher why I was late , get scolded in front of everyone, be humiliated. Second option was to wait for five minutes till the bell rings and when the teacher leaves , go inside the class like you were never out for a whole lecture.

I went with the second option. I went to the washroom, the bell rang, after 5 minutes of the bell I came back to the class , the teacher had already left. I went to my seat and sat down as if nothing happened.

Flashback Ends
Leah's POV

That was one of my most cherished school memories because
1. I used the senior's corridor
2. I bumped into a hot nerd senior.
3. I bunked a class first time ever.
4. Teacher's don't even know where students are until they have some specific work with them
5. Classmates don't give a fuck whether or not you exist.

However, that day my teenage heart experienced that tinglish feeling in it for the first time. Till date I cannot conclude what would we call this? Love at first sight? Hell no... I guess the some things cannot be described in words , they can only be felt by the person experiencing them. Those feelings are not shared with someone else but is just preserved with ourself as memories. So, Even today the first ever memory of him is freshly painted in the canvas of my brain.


Hi Everyone, This is the first chapter of my first ever book. Please lemme know your views on this one.

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