Long Time No See

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Leah's POV

"Bro, why are you staring into empty space and smiling like an idiot?" Myra's voice brings me back to the real world.

Myra Bajaj and I were not the typical childhood best friends you would
see. In fact, we became friends in the 11th grade, and our friendship started because of BTS. School life wasn't the best for me; it was full of unhealthy competition, petty drama, and betrayals. But ever since Myra entered my life, the hectic school life became bearable. Both of us were BTS ARMYs, so we clicked instantly, and now we're the best of friends.

"Eww bro, why are you looking at me like I'm the love of your life?" Myra smiles sarcastically.

"Cause you are, babygirl," I wink at her.

Myra gave me a 'get yourself a man' look. Myra and I had two very different aesthetics. Myra was that sarcastic, savage, and cool girl who wouldn't think twice to put people in their place. On the other hand, I was the bubbly, joyful, and kind-hearted girl who would always hurt herself in the process of not hurting others. And I think
that was what made us best friends; we completed each other.

"Anyways, what were you thinking about earlier?" Myra asked.
"Oh, nothing," I couldn't help but smile thinking about it.

"Oh, please not again, Leah. You literally interacted twice… no wait, thrice? Yeah, thrice with him. Please stop being so delusional."

"I'm not being delusional; it's just… it's just something about those interactions I cannot seem to forget. I do sometimes think about him. What does he look like now? What is he doing? Where is he? If only I could see him again…"

"If only you could talk to him, go out with him, date him, marry him, have kids and dogs with him… bruh, seriously? But I'm quite surprised how this guy has had this effect on you with only three interactions; no boyfriend of yours ever could."

"Bruh, I've had only two; both of those lasted for less than 6 months. I don't even know what to say. Anyways, the flight is landing; is your cousin coming to pick us up?"

"Oh, that douchebag? Yes, he is." And then Myra went on to rant about how much of an asshole her cousin is, how he shaved the head of her favorite doll when they were younger, and how Myra then cut his hair while he was sleeping as revenge.
The flight landed, and we checked out.
"I really wish I could see him again," I said as we were leaving the airport.
"I really wish you could shut the fuck up for once," Myra replied.
I sighed; there was no use arguing with Myra over love. She was away from all this. Sometimes I wonder if she would ever even glance at any male, except for Min Suga. Probably never.

"Are you lost, babygirls?" A male voice called out from right behind us. I was about to throw hands when Myra exclaimed, "Bitch, grow the fuck up." She then went on to hug that male figure. I immediately recognized who it was,  Rehaan Bajaj, Myra's cousin.
He had changed so much since the last time I saw him 2 years ago. Calling him handsome would be an understatement. One could see how hard he had worked out to build that body. His silky hair, sharp jawline, dark brown eyes; everything about him was attractive. I did not realize for
how long had I been staring at him.
"You like what you see, don't you Aarna? Good for you that I'm single; you might have a chance with me," Rehaan winked.
God, how could I forget, he is the same annoying Rehaan who used to put plastic wrap over the doorway to prank Myra and me during our sleepover at her house.
"Cut the crap, Reh, and please stop using my real name to talk to me; it sounds very formal," I told him.
"Embarrassed of your own name or what Aar? Anyways, I have a surprise waiting for you," Rehaan told me while we walked towards his car. As we were walking, I wondered what could it be. Another prank by Rehaan? As it is, he hasn't grown up and would pull up any sorts of mischief even today.
I looked ahead, in the direction of the car. There was a male figure standing, facing the opposite side. A 'familiar' male figure, to be specific. I searched through the gallery of my brain on who it was. And then it struck me… NO IT CAN'T BE. There's no reason for him to be here, after all this time. The male figure turned around; I froze. It was HIM..
"Long time no see, Leah."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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