𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐨

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𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑜


"Why didn't you tell me?" Y/n asked the latter, obviously a little hurt by the information. Hurt that Rose didn't tell her and hurt that she's going out with someone else.

The blonde hair girl looked down for a moment before she looking up to the taller girl, "I don't owe you an explanation." You didn't believe what she just said.

"Like hell you are! You lied to my face Roseanne," You point a finger, "You could've told me instead lying to my face-- saying your mom sick?! Seriously?"

Y/n angrily spit up the words that building inside her head, she was frustrated with the blonde.

Knowing the girl choose to spend time with someone else is hurting herbut she doesn't have the right to stop her either, Y/n even more confused why does Rose lied to her?

"Okay, fine." Roseanne finally speak up, "I'm going on a date with Chanyeol."

Y/n looked at Rose and she knew, she's trying to hurt her. It's not that oblivious, everyone with eye's know the other girl have undying love towards the blonde.

It's not a secret, Y/n wasn't trying to hide it.

But it kept lowkey, both knows. But nobody want to say anything about it.

Y/n have two options, friendship doesn't continue because of love confession, or friendship continues but it's not going anywhere.

Well, she already choose.

With hardened face Y/n nod, "Wasn't that hard wasn't it?" She pick up her sling back taking her belongings from the couch, Rose watching the girl movement with slight tightness, like she's holding to say something.

"Are you upset with me?" Said Rose.

Putting her hands on her pocket Y/n let out exhausted sigh, wondering if the latter just pretending to be stupid or not, "No." She showed her tight lipped smile.

"I'm disappointed."

The korean girl crossed her arms, "What's that supposed to mean?" Her tone is calm.. Calm before the storm.

Sensing the Sharp tone Y/n didn't want to pursue it if it'll end up being one of they're arguments again, sometimes she just tired.

She sigh, "Nevermind okay? You go have fun with that guy, we'll just do dinner some other time."

As Y/n about to walk out that door, a voice stopping her, "If you leave right now, I wouldn't even want to think about what I'll do."

'Guess we're doing this.'

"If you don't want to hang out with me you could've just said and explained that you have another, plans. I'll get it." You said kicking the air.

'You always makes me feel like I wasn't enough for you'

Rose eye's softened, she took your hands intertwined it with her soft fingertips, and she softly kiss the top of your hands.

"He asked me first, you know I've been waiting for this." Swinging they're hands on the side, "This is Chanyeol we talked about, I figured you'll understand."

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