It's been 5 nights since Airy got himself killed. Yesterday I attempted to speak to the people on the Plane, I told them what happened to Airy thinking that they'd feel the same way I do. That he deserved it. It only made things worse, I think they believe that there's nothing I can do for them without him. I cant accept that that's true yet.

I cant start the fire and I refuse to enter the cabin Airy built, I don't think I can build up the courage to see the laptop right now, so I lay in the cave. Warmed by the heat of the computer, I stare at the Plane. I think it's staring back at me.


I can't tell how long I've been watching, but the sun leaks through the vines and lights up the cave walls. A nights worth of reflecting on the Plane made me realise that if I want them to go home I'd need to step up. So I do. I want to keep the Plane outside so maybe they could see the stars like I do, I can sympathise with them on that.

Another glance at the Plane gifts me the determination I thought I'd lost. With axe in hand I march up the cliff, eyes fixed on the trees across the river. Hesitiating, I reach the top of the cliff, the bridge. I feel myself stumble backwards. I'm falling.

I shouldn't have tried this, I think frantically I know my leg is still injured.

Falling harshly into the ground,  I get the breath knocked out of me. I can't get up, my leg won't move again. Was something falling towards him? Is that the axe? Before I had the time to recognise it, a sharp pain pierces my side.

It's the axe.

My eyes take some time to focus again after it hit me, but I can tell it has. I can't die here, not when everything important to me is still in this place Airy created for himself.  I have no notes, I can't go back to Earth, not back here either, I'd be trapped, I tell myself uneasily, Moldy, Scenty and Soda bottle would be trapped too. I'm surprised that I need to correct myself after everything I've done. Charlotte, Amelia and Bryce. 

I repeat that myself in my head as everything I've worked so hard to get to begins to feel distant.

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