•Smiles worth of Uncountable-The Easy Company (BoB)

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I laughed as Bill walked with me towards the huge building in England, cracking jokes. I watched my feet making every step on the graveled road.

"You can't hurt those boys like this, Bill!" I grinned as i saw him furrow his eyebrows and look at me confusedly.

"No, seriously." I laughed And waited for his answer.

We were all transfered back from France to England again. It's been only two days and everyone was already partying, enjoying the relax after the beggining of the operation Overlord. And there are new people, which Bill had to confront.

"No, but i gotta tell them that your Easy's and-"

"...and that they can't flirt with me, right?" I asked before nudging his shoulder lightly with my hand. He nodded before wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Of course, Y/n! They are gonna be stunned once they'll find out that there is a woman in here." He said and i smiled before looking at him.

"Oh Bill. What i would do without ya." I sighed And chuckled quietly.

"Oh, Y/n/n, you'll be dead already, and trust me I'm gonna be here with you for a long time!" He almost exclaimed and smirked before pulling me a little closer to him So He could kiss me on the forehead.

"You ready?" He asked Once he stopped with me infront of the building from where i could already hear the loud voices of other soldiers.

"Always, sergeant!" I joked And He rolled his eyes before opening the doors for me.

I offered him back a teasing smile before walking in, with Bill on my tail.

"Oh, what a gentleman." I said on the gest He made. He just smilled before we both not So quickly made our way through the bar.

I firstly spotted Buck in the back, playing darts with someone who seemed like Luz And Babe. The smiles on their faces warmed my chest, it was a magical moment to see them this happy after the battles in Normandy.

I suddenly quicken my pace and smile before leaving William behind me.

He just glares at me with confused face before discovering my target. He tilts his head a little before taking a deep breath and in the end cracking an annoyed, but heartfull smile.

"Y/n, wait for me." He murmurs under his breath more to himself before walking to catch up with me.

I walk on the wooden floor before wrapping my arms around George's neck from behind.

He tensed a bit at first, but when He saw me through the corner of his eye he smiled and turned So He could hug me tightly by the shoulders.

"Oh, hello Y/n. You look great." He said and scanned my body from the heel to the head. I felt my cheeks heat up a little bit at the compliment.

"Thank you." I said and in a minute Bill was standing next to me.

"You fast as hell!" He complained before nodding a hi to George who friendly patted his side of a shoulder with a gleaming smile.

Our conversation seemed to catch the others' attention, because in a second i could feel multiple eyes on me.

"Ahh, look who decided to visit us!" i heard Buck's voice and smiled brightly before waving my fingers at him.

"Hi, Buck!" i said and then hugged Babe that joined the four of us in a conversation.

"What took you So long?" Babe asked and everyone around me laughed before i rolled my eyes. This left the tall, young ginger boy stop in his tracks, totally confused by everyone's behavior.

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