My time has come - Donald Malarkey Imagine

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Malarkey's POV

I don't know how i ended up in this situation.

“Please...” she whispered and brought her shaky hand that was covered in bright red and dirt to my face. She smoothly caressed my cheek with her rough fingers.

“Do it, for me...” She spoke again with a broken and weak voice. I held her in my arms and pushed the wound on her side.

“Donny...” She let out and looked me in my eyes. A tear left her eye And she gulped. Her hand wandered down from my cheek to my chest as she started to breath with no ease. I sniffed and gasped for air, trying to be quiet.

“I'll do it, for you.” i answered And wiped the sweat from her face. “Anything for you...” I said And she smiled and blinked the tears tiredly away.

“I...i-m so-rry, that you have to, f-feel this.” She said And i shook my head. Now it was my turn to cry. I pressed my forehead against hers and let the tears fall on her blood-soaked clothing.

“I'm gonna get help!” i winced out but she put her finger on my lips.

“No, you can't help me now...” She said And rubbed my arm that was behind her back.

“Guess my time has come.” She added and She closed her eyes.

“No, Y/n...” i whispered with broken voice And wet eyelashes.

“I already lost Skip And Alex, i can't lose you!” i growled in anger And her lips opened a little.

“There Are Always times, when you realize that you have to make it alone...” She whispered into air.

“You got to keep standing on your legs, And if you fall?... If you fall, get up, And keep going, nothing Is Always Sysifos' work...” She finished and i sniffed again.

“Y/n?” i told her by her name but nothing came out of her mouth.

“Y/n...” i shook her body that became limp And heavy And snuggled my face into the crook of her neck.


“No!!!” i yelled on top of my lungs And began to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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