↳scenario 1↰ ◅▻ working as a top chef in one of the fanciest places in New York City, you found yourself in Austin Texas at a conference week for celebrity chefs and the like. back at your hotel on the third day there, you decided to take a night off to party, drink, and maybe meet a [opposite gender] to take home for the night. around 10 pm, you leave the hotel and hop in the elevator and make your way through the lobby to where your Uber waited. arriving at the bar of choice, you hopped out onto the warm and humid, and somehow disgustingly quiet street until you got to the side of the block where you could hear the music bumping through the wall of the neon bar. crowded, but not too crowded to where you couldn't walk across the dance floor. sitting down at the bar, you wave the bartender down and order a drink, tapping your fingers to the best of the song while you waited. a tap from behind made you turn for a second, making the bartender spill your drink as you bumped his hand turning to reach back for it. you apologized and he left to make you another, giving you time to turn around and address the person who tapped you...
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↳scenario 2↰ ◅▻ sitting outside of the campus health center, you skipped through a textbook quietly humming. your friend was inside chatting up her older sister, who worked as an on call temporary nurse in your campus. you didn't mind waiting, as you were going back to her apartment to get ready for a frat party that you were extremely excited for. you had never been invited until your sophomore year, more than likely because of your friend, but nonetheless you were excited because it was warm, sunny, and going to be a great night. you had the perfect outfit, perfect makeup plan, and almost too good to be true pregame liquor. nothing could go wrong. a little around 11 pm, you both made it to the party. lots of people had just begun arriving so you were able to weave through the crowd to get in first. one of the guys letting people in smiled at you, and for the first time they smiled at you, and not your friend, first. confidence raised, little by the alcohol and lots by the more than likely already drunk freshman, you both entered the party and headed straight for the dance floor and beer pong...you...
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↳scenario 3↰ ◅▻ you had been driving for about 16 hours now, on your way to an impromptu trip to Miami Beach for a week that no one else knew about but you. work had been stressing you out, and your supervisor had suggest a vacation. you were a model employee, hardly ever late and if you were it was for your coffee Friday's, where you brought everyone coffee and donuts. being a manager, had its perks. but now was not a time for thoughts of work, it was late and you were trying to focus on driving. it was a part of the trip where you had to go through some small towns, and navigating them in the dark was proving difficult. deciding to pull over for the night, you stopped at a small, shady but overall eye-pleasing motel when all of a sudden a car backed into you, and honked. you hadn't even been pulled into your parking spot for five seconds, and someone was ruining your trip at 3:40 am in a small town, where you knew no one. [opposite gender] hopped out of the car, a worried look in their face as you also retreated from your vehicle. "I'm so sorry! I didn't even see you, I didn't think I was that close," they began, pulling out their phone and typing their passcode in quickly. "you didn't see me? I just pulled in!" You exclaimed, tired and now angry. "I just got glasses to drive at night with, im still learning," they sighed as they held their phone towards you "here's my insurance, name, and number, you can take a picture and call them in the morning. I'm really sorry," you...
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↳scenario 4↰ ◅▻ feeling creative? Have a suggestion of your own? Let's do it!!
☘️please note more can be added at any time! feel free to send me some inspiration ☘️