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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra stood in the kitchen, making breakfast with her Grandma. She didn't know she was coming to stay, no one had told her. Sierra felt bad for yelling at her Dad, he didn't even really do anything wrong, Sierra was just frustrated with her life at the moment and she took it out on him.

Suddenly, she heard her Dad's alarm go off. He was sleeping on the couch, and Sierra felt like she might've partly contributed to it. Sierra's Grandma turned to her.

"I'm gonna go check up on your Dad, I'll be right back." She pecked the top of her head, stroking her hair slightly, before walking into the living room.


"What about Friday?"

"I can't."

"I'm working at the roller rink."

"Great. Let's turn it into a date night."

"Candlelit dinner at the snack bar on my break?"

"Look, there's nothing more romantic than free hot dogs and chicken nugs." Sierra rolled her eyes as she stretched. She was sick of hearing them talk about when their next date would be.

"Free? Not for you. You gotta pay up."

"I'll splurge."

"All right. But you gotta wear a costume. It's '80s night."

"Are you kidding? I love the '80s. Dibs on Anthony Michael Hall in Weird Science."

"I don't think you have to call dibs on that," Sierra muttered.

"What?" Miguel asked, chuckling.

"Nothing." Sierra brushed her hair out of her face, and not to her knowledge, Tory stared. Would it be rude to invite her to their date? Maybe, but she didn't care.

After yesterday, when Sierra told her that she was into girls, she got excited. Tory thought she loved Miguel, so she tried to push her feelings for Sierra away, but they kept reappearing.

"Sierra, would you wanna go with us?" Miguel looked at Tory, confused. He didn't understand why she was inviting Sierra. Then again, she was sitting right there, maybe Tory thought it would've been rude to not invite her.

"It's yours and Miguel's date, why would I go? To third wheel?" Sierra chuckled, staring at Tory as if she asked her the most ridiculous question in the entire universe.

"C'mon, I insist." Tory pleaded, hoping she didn't sound the least bit desperate.

"I mean, I guess," Sierra said, feeling as if she were putty in Tory's hands. Suddenly Sierra heard the bell above the door chime, and she looked up to see Hawk. "One second." Sierra stood up, walking to Hawk.

"Hey." Sierra crossed her arms.

"What's up?" Hawk asked, pulling off his backpack.

"About Coyote Creek, we cool?" Sierra asked. When she thought about it, she realized that Kreese was in on it. She should've seen it from the start.

"We were enemies for a day, but Cobra Kai for life." Sierra smiled and walked back to her place on the mat.

"Everybody, fall in." Everyone got in their spots, Sierra and Tory smiled at each other quickly. "Today, we'll be learning one of the most important lessons a Cobra Kai could ever know," Johnny said, stopping at the front of the room.

"Where's Sensei Kreese?" Miguel asked.

"Shouldn't we wait for the sensei emeritus before we get going?" Johnny stared at Stingray. "Or not."

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now