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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
"I'm sorry, I got caught up with stuff at home," Sierra said to Tory through the phone whilst looking for an outfit for Moon's party.

Sierra wasn't grounded that night, no one even came to speak to her that night. Daniel slept on the couch again, but he agreed that he deserved it. He lay awake, trying to understand where he went wrong with Sierra.

"It's okay, I just missed you there." Sierra felt her cheeks get hot, hearing Tory say she missed her warmed her heart.

"Well, I'm gonna go get dressed for the party, and then you'll get to see my hair." Sierra smiled. Her hair turned out great, and Sierra watched a few YouTube tutorials so she could cut her hair to frame her face more. It turned out better than she expected.

"I can't wait! Love you!" Tory hung up before Sierra could say 'bye' or 'I love you too' back.

Sierra pulled on a black crop top with no sleeves or straps before she put on her high-waisted skinny ripped jeans and a black belt with her combat boots. She brushed and curled her hair before she put on light makeup and a black choker with one single pearl in the center. When she looked at herself in the mirror, she smiled, something that rarely happened.

Someone knocked on Sierra's door, and Sierra just hoped that it wasn't her Dad. Sierra opened the door, revealing Robby and Sam.

"You ready?" Sam asked, holding hands with Robby. Sam told Sierra that they were together long before she told her parents.

"Yeah, I just need to grab my phone." Sierra slipped her phone into her back pocket and followed Sam and Robby to the car.


Sierra walked into the party, not listening to what Robby, Sam, and the rest of the Miyagi Do students were saying. She was looking for Tory.

"I heard you found Mr. Miyagi's medal," Demi said, making Sierra turn to him. Sierra hadn't spoken to Demi since he went to Miyagi Do, and if she were honest, she missed his nerdy jokes and intellectual thoughts.

"Yeah, I got it back while we were practicing." Sierra flashed him a smile, looking over and making eye contact with Hawk. She knew he secretly wanted to still be friends with Demi, which is why he glared at her when she was talking to him.

The room's volume went down as the Cobras and Miyagi Do's stared at each other. Suddenly, Miguel and Tory walked into the room from outside and Sierra quickly walked to them.

"Sierra, your hair...it's so cute." Sierra felt her cheeks get hot again, brushing a string of curls behind her ear.



"Chug, chug, chug, chug!" Sierra and loads of others chanted as Tory and some other guy stood on top of stools with one leg up and chugging beers in red solo cups. Suddenly the guy fell, Tory still standing and smiling.

"Winner and still champion Tory!" Sierra cheered, Tory smiled and yelled loudly, when suddenly Sam walked outside. Sierra watched as Tory walked up to her.

"Well look who it is. Maybe you'd like to play a little game? Or are tea parties more your speed, princess?" Tory smirked.

"Just give me a cup," Tory smirked.

"Alright. New game!" Tory announced.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Sierra heard Robby ask.

"What do you think I can't beat her?" Sam retorted.

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now