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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Amanda called a therapist that night and was luckily able to get Sierra in with the therapist. Amanda always thought that Sierra needed one, but Daniel disagreed, but now Amanda knew she was going to need one. Sierra made Amanda promise to not tell Daniel, so she didn't.

Sierra walked with her Mom to the car. She didn't tell her where they were going, just that they had to go. She stuffed her hands in her grey hoodie pockets, she'd thrown up last night and this morning, and every time she blinked she saw the guy, she just wished she could forget it.

"Sierra, you wanna come with me to find Sam?" Sierra perked up, her Dad hadn't asked her to do anything with him in years.

"Sure." Amanda looked at Daniel.

"She can't, we've got things to do." Sierra looked at her Mom, confused. Sierra was confused the whole car ride until she realized that her Mom was taking her to therapy.


Sierra sat in the back of her Dad's car, listening to her music. She hadn't spoken to her Dad or Sam in a while. She stayed in her room until it was time for dinner, so there was no way for her to argue with her Dad. It was a good thing that there was no karate practice, or else Sierra probably wouldn't have gone to that either.

As soon as Daniel parked the car, Sierra got out, it wasn't like he was even going to say anything to her. Sierra just kept telling herself that she just needed to see if Tory was in any of her classes and just get through the day.

Aisha and Miguel both texted Sierra asking if Tory had texted her back and if she was okay. Tory did indeed text her back, but she asked Sierra not to tell them anything, so she didn't.


Sierra sat at her desk, in her honors English class. The announcements finally came on, and Sierra's teacher already made her take out her headphones. She didn't know anyone in this class, and she really just wanted to see Tory. Although, Tory never actually said if she'd be at school today.

"Good morning, students and faculty, welcome to a brand-new year at West Valley High. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready to dive back into the school year." Sierra rolled her eyes at the principal's stupidity. What kid wants to go to school? "You can also purchase tickets for the fall musical, which will be a production of the global hit Grease." Sierra wondered why the principal had to make her voice sound like she was such a bitch. "And finally as we embark upon another academic year, it's important to remember to be tolerant and accepting of all of our peers, regardless of...Hey, you're not supposed to be in here." Sierra furrowed her eyebrows, what was going on?

"I don't care, move!" Sierra felt her eyes go wide as she heard Tory's voice.

"Give that back! Ow! You're not allowed to..." The principal squealed.

"Samantha LaRusso. I know what you did and now you're gonna pay for it. I'm coming for you, bitch! Sierra, meet me in the hallway." Sierra felt people looking at her, making her feel anxious.

The bell rang, and Sierra made her way through the crowd, meeting with Tory. On the other side of Tory, was Robby, and across from them were Sam and Miguel.

"I saw what you did at the party. You kissed Miguel." Sierra felt her jaw drop, looking at Robby with sympathy and Miguel with disappointment.

"I...I..." Sam stuttered.

"Sierra, I need permission from you to let me beat the absolute shit out of your sister." Sam looked at Sierra with pleading eyes, but Sierra was done. Don't with her Dad, with Sam, and with Miguel.

"Beat her ass."


Sierra watched, with blood trickling down her forehead, as Miguel was kicking Robby when he suddenly stopped and let go of him. Instead of stopping as well, Robby stood up and kicked Miguel in the stomach making him back up against the railing. Then, Robby kicked him in the chest again and Miguel fell.

"Miguel!" Sierra screeched, running to the railing.

Miguel's back collided with a stair railing and then his head hit another stair. Sierra turned to Robby.

"Robby, what's wrong with you?!" Sierra pushed him, tears running down her face as Miguel lay motionless on the steps. Sierra didn't even try to run after Robby.

Sierra ran down to where Tory sat on a step, cuts were deeply embedded in her face and she could see bruises forming on her face. Knowing that Sam caused this, made Sierra furious beyond belief, but she was done fighting with her.

"Tory..." Tory looked at Sierra with tears in her eyes.

"It's my fault, I started the fight." Sierra shook her head.

"Robby kicked him, and this all wouldn't have happened if Sam and Miguel didn't kiss. It's not your fault." Tory's chin wobbled, and Sierra pulled Tory into a hug.


"That friend of yours hurt your sister, and you let her!" Daniel whisper yelled as Sierra hugged her arms to her chest. It was always about Sam. Sam could do no wrong. Sierra could do plenty wrong in her Dad's eyes.

"Tell Sam not to kiss my friend's boyfriend, then this wouldn't have happened!" Amanda looked at her daughter, she never truly understood why they hated each other so much but she understood after Sierra's therapist told her all that Sierra said.

"This isn't Sam's fault, Sierra!" Sierra rolled her eyes, before looking down at her phone. Cobra Kai was meeting, and Sierra needed to be there.

"I'm leaving, Cobra Kai needs me."

"Sierra, we need to make sure your okay," Amanda said, trying to get her to stay.

"I'm fine!" Sierra yelled, before turning and leaving.

"Why do we let her walk all over us?" Daniel sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"Walk all over us?! Daniel, you barely talk to her to let her walk all over you, and the other day you slapped her. You're walking all over her!" Amanda scowled and walked into the hospital room with Sam.


Sierra didn't like Kreese that much but if Johnny hadn't taught that bullshit mercy then this wouldn't have happened. This is why she stayed in Cobra Kai and didn't follow Johnny out when Kreese revealed he was taking over Cobra Kai. Her heart hurt knowing she'd let him down as he looked at her with disappointment in his eyes, but maybe if she wasn't Johnny's student her relationship with her Dad would get better.
A/n: end of Season 2🥳.
Word Count:1,127

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