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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Daniel dragged Sierra with him and Amanda to a meeting about the aftermath of the fight. Sierra and Sam had been suspended for two weeks, and you can only guess who was grounded. Or supposed to be.

When Sierra told Tory that she was grounded before she handed her phone in, Tory told her she'd give her a small phone from Walmart so she could still text her. Sierra didn't bring it with her places, in fear that she'd get caught, but whenever she did use it at home she made sure to lock her bedroom door.

"Sit down and listen to what's gonna happen because of you and your friend," Daniel said bitterly, as they sat down on the bleachers.

"What Counselor Blatt is trying to say is no more karate. Zero tolerance from here on out." Sierra wasn't listening before but this got her attention.

"What?" Sierra whispered.

"Wait. You don't need to turn this into some kind of karate Footloose! Karate is not the problem! When I went to school here, I was bullied, and karate saved me." Sierra stared up at her Dad, had she really caused all of this? Was she no better than Johnny Lawrence in high school?

"Bullshit! I heard you were the real bully!" Sierra stood up quickly.

"Excuse me? My Dad would never bully anyone!" Sierra then looked at the staff.

"Sierra LaRusso, please-"

"No!" Sierra walked down the bleacher steps, walking towards the staff. "You're trying to ban karate but this wouldn't have happened if you'd gotten rid of bullies in the first place! What happened when Eli Moskowitz said he was being bullied? One announcement was made and the bullies just made fun of him more! What happened when Demetri Alexopoulos said he was being bullied? Nothing! What happened when I was being bullied? Nothing!" Sierra paused to look at the vice principal. "What happened, Mr. Walker, when I came to your office and told you I wanted a boy out of my class because he raped me? Your exact words were boys will be boys. So now, I'll have to take things into my own hands because you wouldn't." Sierra turned to the guy who called Daniel a bully. "And if you wanna see a bully, I'll show it to ya but maybe get it through your thick dumbass skull to not listen to rumors!" Suddenly, security grabbed her arms and dragged her out into the hallway. They scolded her about being violent and said they could suspend her for longer, but they wouldn't.


Sierra sat in her room, bored out of her mind until there was a knock on her door.

"Come in." Sierra sighed, her Dad was probably going to yell at her again for being "violent" at the meeting.

"Sierra, I wanna talk." Daniel softly spoke. He didn't expect Sierra to stick up for him, in fact, he thought she'd agree. She said things that he'd never even heard before, things she hadn't told her. The thing is, he didn't even remember what her favorite color was. They hadn't spoken in a while. Daniel realized he hardly even let her speak at all when he yelled.

"Dad, I don't wanna talk if you're just gonna yell at me." Sierra crossed her arms, looking at the ground.

"Sierra, I'm not gonna yell." Sierra looked up, why was he being so different? It was a good difference, but why? Daniel sat down on the end of Sierra's bed, sympathy and guilt filled his eyes. "I want you to tell me everything. Your Mom told me about your therapy, and how your therapist wanted you to tell me all the things you thought. So do it." Sierra furrowed her eyebrows. Would she get into trouble?

"I don't trust this." Daniel furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"You're not gonna yell at me?" Sierra asked for reassurance.

"No, I promise Sierra." Sierra gulped.

"You don't listen. You didn't listen to me when I told you I was being bullied. You didn't listen to me when I said I joined Cobra Kai to impress you because you wouldn't teach me. You didn't listen to me when I tried to tell you I was raped and that was why I was home late. I went to Johnny's to ask him what to do, and he said to come to you! But you did exactly what I thought you would. You didn't listen!" Sierra was sobbing by now. "But you listen to Sam. You're so good with Sam, but you forget about me and Anthony! It's not fair!" Daniel stared at her, and he could see his little girl. He had hurt his little girl.

"Sierra, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything, and I'll promise to treat you the way I treat Sam. I guess I just saw so much of me and Cobra Kai in you that I hated it, but your still my little girl." Sierra smiled through her tears. Daniel really did love her. Would he finally be a father to her? She hoped so, and her hopes would come true.


Sierra walked into school with one thing on her mind. A fight. Hawk even said he'd look out for the guy in the bathroom so Sierra could find him. So when Sierra got a text from Hawk that it was time to strike, Sierra immediately went to the boy's bathroom. She wasn't scared of him, disgusted maybe, but he needed to be punished.


Sierra sat in the principal's office, smiling. For the first time, Sierra was glad the principal called her Dad.

"Sierra LaRusso, stop smiling." The principal looked at her as if she were scum.

"As I said, if you had taken it into your hands then I wouldn't have had to." Sierra was made to talk to her Dad over the phone and he didn't even yell. He listened, he was living up to what he had said. He said Sierra wasn't going to be grounded again, since she had done something the school wouldn't.

Sierra felt good that she could finally tell her Dad things and not fear her Dad's reactions. She wished she could go back in time and tell little Sierra that they would make up soon and not to stress over it.

Daniel was glad he had his little girl back, and that they were working on their relationship. He was glad he was getting to know his daughter, and that he knew she didn't hate him.
Word Count:1,092

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now