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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
"I was just trying to help her out, Mom." Sierra folded her arms as she sat on her bed.

"I get that you want to help, Sierra, but if you're Dad had heard about this you two could've been back to square one." Sierra raised her eyebrows.

"I doubt that, he'd probably be proud of me for the first time in forever." Sierra chuckled, looking at the ground.

"Sierra, your Dad's proud of you." Sierra shrugged.

"That's only you saying that, not him."


Sierra:Idk what to do Johnny.

Johnny🥋:I'd tell you to leave Cobra Kai but that advice has some personal feelings behind it

Sierra:Ik, but what abt Tory? She'd be so pissed at me if I quit.

Johnny🥋:She doesn't seem like that type of kid did you even ask her?

Sierra:No, lemme ask her rq




Sierra:Would you be mad at me if I quit Cobra Kai? Or like break up with me?

Tory💞:What? No, ofc not! Idc if ur in Miyagi Do or anything just don't be an ass

Sierra:so you wouldn't break up with me?

Tory💞:No, Sierra, I love you sm karate dojo's don't matter

Sierra:I love you too, Tory💗


"Sierra." Sierra looked up from her phone, seeing Sam in her bedroom doorway.

"Hmm?" She asked.

"I need your help with Cobra Kai." Sierra nodded.

"What happened?"

"They're messing with Chris at his job." Sierra sighed, shaking her head.

"What are we doing?"

"Not sure, just get your shoes on."

"What do you want?" Hawk asked, glaring at Sam as she entered the room.


"You think just because you have one more person than us that you'll stand a chance?" Hawk chuckled.

"Who do you think your talking to, Eli?" Hawk stared at Sierra as she walked inside.

"What are you doing with them? You're a Cobra!" Sierra smiled.

"About that, tell Kreese I quit." Sierra spun, kicking Hawk in the face causing him to fall to the ground.


"Sam LaRusso, where are you bitch?" Sierra looked up, seeing Sam freeze in the spot.

Sierra knew about her nightmares, and fear of Tory Sam had. Despite thinking the fight and Sam's PTSD could've been avoided if Sam hadn't kissed Miguel, and Miguel hadn't kissed back, she didn't think she deserved any of those things.

"Sam." Sam's head slowly came to meet with Sierra's. "Hide." Sam quickly went into a space between two setups as Sierra stood up, trying to help as best she could.

"Sierra, what're you doing here?" Tory asked after she threw some boy down.

"Helping," Sierra grunted, throwing another kid down.

"Aghhhh!" Sierra's head snapped forward as she saw Hawk pulling on Demetri's arm.

"Hawk!" Hawk glanced up at her, and only for a moment did Sierra feel like she saw Eli.

Demetri's best friend, Eli. Sierra's 'smart friend', Eli. Could tell him anything and everything, Eli. But in the blink of an eye, Eli was gone and Sierra heard a snap.

Sierra quickly ran to Hawk, pushing him away. Sierra never truly feared someone until that moment. If someone who was once so sweet could turn so hateful so quickly, then what was stopping Tory?

"What the hell's wrong with you, Hawk?! Are you crazy?!" Hawk flinched slightly as Sierra yelled at him, but because of the darkness, only Sierra saw. What had he done? Why had he done it? He didn't know exactly.

"Demi, can you roll on your back?" Sierra asked as Demetri rolled on his back, cradling his arm. "Grab my hand." Demetri did as Sierra said as she helped him up. "I'm gonna find Sam, we'll get you to the hospital in a second." Sierra ran to the spot where she last saw Sam, seeing her panicking. Her chest rose and fell quickly and her eyes were looking at everything frantically.

"Sam, calm down. They're gone." Sam looked at Sierra and hugged her tightly. Sierra didn't know how to react but Sierra pulled away, remembering Demetri. "C'mon."



"Sam's in room two twelve, they checked her and she's got a few cuts and bruises." Sierra stared at the ground, the scene of Demetri's arm getting broken was replaying in her mind.

"What were you thinking, Sierra?!" Sierra shrugged, her eyes filling with tears.

"Sam asked for my help, and I tried doing just that. All I did was just make things worse." Amanda sat down next to her quickly.


"They broke Demi's arm, Mama! I thought I was going to make Johnny and Dad proud. I was fighting Cobra Kai, but all I did was make things worse." Amanda pulled Sierra close, Sierra was balling at this point. Amanda listened to her, wondering why Cobra Kai was brought back.
A/n: just wanted to say that what was said abt Sam is my own personal beliefs. Sam doesn't deserve the PTSD she has but it could've all been avoided if she and Miguel didn't kiss.
Word Count:837

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now