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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra walked into the Cobra Kai dojo, she had to tell Kreese that she was no longer a part of Cobra Kai. When she told Johnny the news, he was over the moon.

"Hey, Sierra." Tory smiled, pressing her lips against Sierra's.

"Hey, Tory." Sierra smiled, pulling away.

"What are you doing here?" Tory asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"I'm gonna talk to Kreese, I'm gonna take a break from karate." Tory nodded slowly before Sierra pulled away from her and started walking to Kreese's office.

"A couple of fags is what they are." Sierra heard Kyler mutter under his breath. Sierra rolled her eyes, knowing damn well he wouldn't have said that if Tory was around him, and for that he was a pussy.

"Ah, Sierra. Why weren't you here for practice?" Kreese asked, clamping his hands together on his desk.

"I quit Cobra Kai." Kreese furrowed his eyebrows, looking almost fearful.

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you dumb? I'm not a Cobra anymore." Kreese clenched his jaw, staying silent. Sierra simply shrugged, walking out of Kreese's office and leaving the Cobra Kai dojo.

About a year ago, Sierra would've never thought of leaving Cobra Kai. It was her safe space. In Cobra Kai, Sierra was cool, Sierra was the one people looked at, Sierra was finally good at something and since Sam wasn't there she wasn't compared to her every second of the day.

Now, it was different. Instead of teaching the kids who were made fun of to fight back, it was teaching them to bully others. Not to mention that Johnny was no longer there. The only father she'd ever had in her entire life was gone and disappointed in her.

Sierra didn't even know if she wanted to do karate anymore, she surprised herself when she discovered this. All she ever wanted was to be good at something that Sam wasn't, and when she finally did it all went wrong. Sierra didn't know what to do, she didn't want to be in Miyagi Do, she wanted to be in whatever dojo Johnny was the sensei in.


Sierra debated on whether or not she should go and tell Johnny she quit Cobra Kai but she decided against it. She didn't even tell her Dad when he came home. She heard her Mom telling her Dad all that happened, and Sierra hoped that she'd tell him how she helped them. Maybe he'd be proud. Sierra liked the thought of that. Or maybe he'd say he was proud of her. Sierra liked that even more.

"Sierra?" In response to hearing her name, Sierra looked up and saw her Dad.

"Yeah?" First, her Dad sat down a bag on her desk. It was like a little bag her parents would use for giving gifts, and then he closed the door behind him.

"Thank you." Sierra acted confused because she wanted to hear him say it.

"For what?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"For sticking up for your sister, Demetri, all the Miyagi Dos. Even though you're a part of Cobra Kai." Sierra's heart warmed as her Dad smiled.

"It's no problem, and since I'm not a Cobra anymore I can help more." Daniel's eyes went wide as his body filled with excitement, maybe now he could be her Sensei.

"You quit Cobra Kai?" Sierra nodded and shrugged.

"Yeah, and karate for a while." Daniel nodded, still smiling ear-to-ear.

"Well if you ever need practice, my dojo's always opened." Sierra nodded and watched as her Dad walked out of her room.

For some reason, she felt like crying. It'd been so long since her Dad showed any love to her, and even though he apologized, he never really showed it.

Suddenly there was a ping from her phone.

Johnny🥋:y didn't u tell me u quit Cobra Kai?

Sierra:idk, you were busy with Miguel.

Johnny🥋:good job, I'm proud of ya kid.

Sierra:thx Johnny🤍

Johnny🥋:I'll get the dojo back soon, I'll be ur Sensei again just wait.

Sierra:okay :))

Sierra smiled, she told Miguel she quit and he was over the moon. Hawk had already blocked her from all social media, it did hurt a bit since they'd been friends for so long, but she reminded herself that that was Eli and Eli would never do that. Hawk would, and Sierra hated Hawk more than anything.

Then Sierra heard another ping, but it was from somebody else.

Miguel😱:I stood today!!

Sierra:wait really?!

Miguel😱:yeah!! And I can walk!


Miguel😱:thank u, Sierra!! You should hang out with me and Sensei sometime.

Sierra:just tell me when and I'm there👍🏼

"Sierra." Sierra looked up and saw Anthony in her doorway with a controller.


"Wanna play?" Sierra smiled, it had always been just Sierra and Anthony growing up, and she hadn't spent some time with him in a while.

"Of course!" Sierra got up, leaving her phone in her bedroom so she could give Anthony her undivided attention, and went to his room to play what she expected to be Call of Duty.
A/n: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, unfortunately, my grandma died from cancer and I needed time to myself. We were very close, but she'd want me to continue. I also had my birthday party earlier today so that was fun🤍 (my actual bday is Dec. 7 which is a school day for me which is why I did it today😒)
Word Count:930

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now