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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra rubbed her eyes, hearing the shower in her bathroom running. She sat up, feeling the space beside her empty. Tory had spent the night, for the first time, Sierra had to make sure her parents didn't know she was there. Her Dad still held a grudge against Tory, her mother did as well. If they knew she was there, Sierra would be grounded and Tory would be sent home.

Sierra got up, pulling on a white knitted sweater and black leggings with fluffy black socks. It was finally the winter season, Sierra's favorite time of year. Sierra could wear hoodies or baggy clothes and not be questioned about it. Sierra also loved Christmas, she loved giving and receiving gifts. She loved Christmas songs, decorating, baking, and simply the Christmas season all around. Sierra was making her bed when Tory came out of the bathroom.

"It's nice to see that you woke up finally." Tory smiled, brushing out her damp hair.

"When did you get up?" Sierra chuckled, sitting at the top of her bed, near her pillows.

"Around eight, after a while, I got in the shower." Sierra nodded, watching as Tory brushed out her hair. Sierra knew Tory had practice today, and Sierra wanted to make the most of their time.

"Would you wanna help me decorate my room for Christmas?" Tory smiled, putting away her hairbrush in her bag.

"Of course."


Johnny🥋:what are u talking abt?

Sierra:idk, I feel like me & my Dad's relationship will never get better. I'm glad he apologized but he still doesn't rlly SHOW that he loves me. ya know?

Johnny🥋:ya, I get that but I can tell you that ur Dad loves u. he might not know it, and u might not either, but he loves u. some of the things he does says he loves u.

Sierra:it would be so much easier if he just showed me he loves me tho

Johnny🥋:he'll show it one day.

"Who are you texting, Sierra?" Demi asked.

Sierra sat in the living room with all of the Miyagi Do students, with crappy Christmas music in the background and Sam standing awkwardly at the front of the room.

"Why are you looking over my shoulder?" Sierra asked quickly, turning her phone off.

"I'm bored, this is the most bored I've ever been in my entire life," Sierra smirked.

"So reading my texts are more interesting?" Sierra asked, did he really think her life was more interesting than the boring setting before them?

"Yes." Sierra smiled, shaking her head slightly.

"You obviously don't know me."


Sierra stood with her arms folded as the group of Eagle Fangs and Miyagi Do's argued stupidly.

"You guys are so dramatic, we've all done things to each other that we're not proud of. We're all at fault here, but we can push that aside and fight Cobra Kai." Sierra tried reasoning with the two groups.

"You were just a Cobra a couple of weeks ago, and now you think you're all perfect because of it?" Sierra looked at Penis Breath, as Johnny called him, glaring at him. He wasn't a Cobra because he was kicked out, Sierra wasn't a Cobra because she chose not to be. Sierra knew if he wasn't kicked out, he'd still happily be a Cobra.

"Yeah, I quit. You were kicked out, Shit Breath!" Miguel pushed him back as he started to walk towards Sierra. "I don't need you to protect me, Miggy." Sierra turned back to Shit Breath. "I didn't bully anyone, I didn't try and break anyone's arm. Did I?" Shit Breath stayed silent. "That's what I thought, so don't try and come at me again."
A/n: sorry for the short chapter, but we're almost done with season 3 and I have lots planned for season 4🥰
Word Count:644

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now