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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra watched Demi yell at Penis Breath and some other Cobra who she couldn't remember the name of. Sierra smiled, he had changed a lot, confidence-wise, and Sierra only wished she could've been there to see it.

"So if by merging with Eagle Fang...weird name, by the way."

"Watch it, Demi," Sierra said quickly, defending Johnny and his decisions was practically what she was put on this earth for.

"Sorry, Sierra. can keep us all from getting shit on anymore, then we'd all be assholes not to do it. I'm sorry for all the "assholes." I usually take pride in my grandiloquence, but it's an emotional time." Sierra giggled.


Sierra sat around a table with the other students, talking about how to change certain things for the new combined dojo.

"I think your cat wants to come inside. Here kitty, kitty." Bert walked outside and Sierra turned to Sam and Miguel.

"We don't have a cat." Suddenly there was a loud crash, making Sierra stand up immediately. Someone had thrown Bert through the window. Sierra's heart dropped as she saw Bert's bleeding face, and then as she saw Hawk walk into the room. Followed by Kyler and the rest of the Cobras.

When Sierra heard the front door bash open, her heart only sank more when she saw Tory. When she left that morning, she seemed perfectly fine. Not angry or anything, but now she seemed angrier than ever.

"Tory, you don't have to do this." Sierra felt her mouth go dry, she was so desperate to get her to not follow through with this fight.

"It's too late. This ends tonight." Tory looked around before yelling, "No mercy!".


When Sierra looked around, she didn't see Tory or Sam. Knowing that they were probably fighting each other, Sierra felt as if she needed to fight them. To save Sam. Sierra felt arms wrap around her neck, and her hands immediately gripped his arm.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this. You're so fucking annoying and disgusting. Don't think we all don't remember you when you were fat, but now that you're a fag you disgust me even more." Sierra felt her airways start to close, and her eyes start to prick with tears.

Remembering herself before she slimmed down was always hard for her. Now that Kyler was forcing her to remember it was even worse. Kyler was one of the main people who bullied her for her weight, and now the simple fact that she wasn't attracted to guys made him and many others disgusted just thinking about her.

Sierra through her head back, quickly, causing Kyler to immediately let go and hold his nose. Sierra grabbed his hair, slamming his head into the wall which made him fall to the ground. Sierra straddled him, repeatedly punching him as hard as she could. The same girl inside of her always wanted that revenge and now she was getting it. She only wanted to hurt him more and more as she remembered everything he had done to her.

"Sierra!" Sierra felt Hawk pull her off of Kyler and Sierra immediately melted into a pile of tears, clutching his jacket.

Sierra was always there for Hawk when he cried, especially when he was Eli, but he'd never seen her cry. Hawk held her as she cried, now that he was forgiven by Demetri, he could have his best friend back.

You're disgusting; Sierra thought over and over. Suddenly she felt like she did not too long ago, causing herself to throw up in the toilet and crying on the bathroom floor.


Sierra ran to Johnny, seeing the gruesome scene before her. Her Dad, Johnny, and Kreese had fought and they made some deal about who would leave depending on the All Valley results.

"Are you okay Sensei?" Sierra asked quickly.

"Yeah, I'm alright, you?" Sierra gulped and nodded. Johnny put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. Johnny knew Sierra thought of him as a Dad, and he knew he thought of her as a daughter. Even though he knew pretty much everything that happened between Daniel and Sierra, he still felt bad when he stared at them.

Daniel wished Sierra was hugging him, despite Sam hugging him already. He understood he did it to himself, and that Sierra needed a Dad and found it in Johnny. It still hurt, though. It hurt Daniel that he lost his daughter in his own ignorance. It hurt Johnny that he was more of a Dad to a girl who wasn't really his than he was to Robby. It hurt Sierra most of all that she had to go and find a Dad in someone who wasn't even related to her. Her Dad wasn't dead, he didn't leave, he was there but not there at the same time.


Sierra smiled, seeing Hawk and Johnny walk into Miyagi Do. Hawk unblocked Sierra, and even texted her that night. He said he was sorry, more sorry than he could ever express. Sierra was just happy to finally have her best friend back, and to have a place to practice that was a public park.
A/n: end of season 3🥳
Word Count:878

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now