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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
"Tory, slow down. You're talking too fast." Sierra spoke into the phone as she sat in her homeroom class. Her teacher didn't really give two shits what people did in that class, as long as they weren't fighting she let them do practically anything.

"Your mom just got me fired, Sierra! She came to my work and told me to leave you and Sam alone!" Tory was hysterical. She just lost another job as well, so now she had to find two new ones.

"I...I'm sorry, Tory. I didn't know she was going to do that. I haven't spoken to her since Saturday." Sierra glanced at the floor, remembering her mom dropping her off at Johnny's doorstep as if she was some sort of package.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do, Sierra! I need to find two jobs and I don't know where to look!" Tory cried.

"I don't think I have practice so I can help you look after school, Tory. I'll talk to my mom too. I promise I'll find you another job. Okay?" Sierra asked, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.

"Okay."Sierra could hear Tory taking a deep breath.

"I love you, I have to go. It's almost time for my next class." Sierra looked at the time, it was 12:13 and they left at 12:15.

"Okay, I love you, Sierra." Sierra smiled a bit. Even now she still couldn't believe Tory loved her. Or even liked her. Of course, Tory showed it, but a little voice was always saying that she could be lying.


"Bye." Sierra hung up the phone just as the bell rang.


Sierra:girl advice?!
Sierra:what girl are u interested in😏

Lil Bro😎:pls Sierra, no questions. just some advice.

Sierra:well what's going on?

Lil Bro😎:there's this new dickhead at school, and you can tell he likes the girl. he's like smiling and stuff

Sierra:do you and the girl talk a lot?

Lil Bro😎:idk sometimes, not rlly

Sierra:you need to talk more, show interest is something she's interested in.

Lil Bro😎:what abt the new kid??

Sierra:just leave him be, he probably just wants a friend, and she's known you longer than him so you should be in the safe zone

Lil Bro😎:okay, thx Sierra

Sierra:love u

Lil Bro😎:ilyt


Sierra went to the Miyagi Do dojo, where Johnny told her he'd be. He said that he'd take them home after he was done with 'business'. What the business was, Sierra didn't know. However, Sierra needed to find her Mom and all Anthony knew was that she wasn't home.

Sierra walked through the gate, hearing some talking from her Dad and Johnny. Sierra stuffed her hands into her pockets as she walked up to Johnny, who for some reason was soaked from head to toe.

"Hey, kid. You ready?" Johnny asked her, Sierra felt so awkward. Her Dad just stood there, Sierra knew that her Mom told her that Jason was the guy who assaulted her but it wouldn't have been that awkward if he hadn't agreed to send her away.

"Actually um I need to go somewhere." Johnny furrowed his eyebrows.

"Where?" He asked, Sierra turned to her Dad looking him in the eyes to tell him that she wasn't scared or anxious, but that was a lie. She wanted to just run away and never see him again.

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now