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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Over about the span of a week, the Eagle Fangs and Miyagi Do's seemed to be working well together. Sierra was only allowed to spar with Johnny or Miguel, but it wasn't all that bad. They were sometimes challenging, and she got to show her Dad that she was actually good at karate. Slowly but surely, she was beginning to be allowed to spar against Hawk. Now he was a challenge.

The longer Sierra stayed with Johnny, the better she became. Her therapist had gotten her some medication and those helped out a lot, but even her therapist thought that living with Johnny was better than staying at home.

However, the longer she stayed at Johnny's house, the more Daniel realized how much he missed her. She was actually good at karate, and she seemed to be happier than before.


Sierra, Carmen, Miguel, and Johnny were all gonna eat dinner with the LaRussos. It was the first time Sierra had been back to her house in about two weeks, she was just happy to see Anthony again.

Sierra was helping set the table when she saw Anthony go into the kitchen. He didn't know that she was over yet, so she saw it as a perfect opportunity to surprise him. She walked into the kitchen and saw Johnny talking to Anthony.

"Anthony!" He quickly spun around, saw Sierra, and hugged her. She pulled away, seeing him smile ear-to-ear. "Now we can talk about that girl problems you're having," Sierra smirked.

"Shut up, Sierra." Sierra smiled.


Sierra says with Anthony on her left and Johnny on her right. Everyone was dipping their plates, talking about random things from the car dealership to grades.

Sierra spoke quietly to Anthony, trying to hide her jealousy as much as she could. Her Dad was talking about how Sam could take over the dealership or go to college. How 'Sam taking over the dealership' was an inside joke because of this and that. Her Mom and Dad were talking to Miguel about school and everything. Over time, she tended to care less about what her parents did towards her or how they disliked her but now she just wanted them to ask about her.

"Uh, Sierra how's school?" Sierra looked towards her Mom, she hadn't really expected anyone to ask about her.

"Pretty good, all A's." Sierra gave her Mom a small smile.

"Nerd," Johnny muttered, Sierra kicked him beneath the table.

"You checked out any colleges or anything?" Daniel asked, keeping his voice flat and uninterested.

"Well, I've gotten a couple of scholarships for my writing this year. I don't know which one I'll go to though." Anthony glanced at Sierra, she hadn't told him that. He didn't want her to leave, it was already hard enough to have her living somewhere else.

"Your writing?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah, I entered some of my writing into a contest at school and there was an opportunity for scholarships. There was a whole assembly and everything." Sierra smiled, she was happy that she was finally acknowledged for something she was good at.

"Yeah, Sierra got first place!" Miguel added, smiling at her.

"So Miguel, how's school for you?" Daniel asked him, Sierra's smile faltered a bit but she told herself she didn't care. It didn't matter that her Dad didn't care what happened to her. She didn't care.

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now