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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
"Hawk, I will literally cover my eyes. I just wanna see what the boy's bathroom looks like." Hawk rolled his eyes.

"Fine, but don't blame me if you get in trouble," Sierra smirked and walked inside she saw a boy almost throwing a punch but then Hawk caught him. The boy was wearing a Cobra Kai shirt, and Sierra could hear the insults coming from the two shorter boys from their dojo. The boy was Kenny.

"Hawk! That's enough!" Sierra pushed Hawk off of Kenny, glancing at him.

"The hells wrong with you, he's a Cobra!" Hawk glared.

"Then tell him to go to Eagle Fang or Miyagi Do, don't get all up in his face about it, asshole!" Sierra turned to the two boys. "You're no better than the other Cobra's. Just leave him the fuck alone you dipshits." The two shorter boys left and Hawk trailed behind.

"Thanks, Sierra," Kenny muttered.

"My brothers your age, I'm used to sticking up for kids your age." Sierra smiled. "We'll teach you more moves, later on, just be careful, Kenny." He nodded.


Sierra practiced with her Dad, leading the group just like he said they could, but she couldn't shake the feeling of Johnny's eyes drilling into her and her Dad's heads. Whenever they took water breaks, Sierra couldn't stop staring at Sam practicing with Johnny.


"You look great, Tory." Sierra giggled as she helped Tory with her makeup. She was dressing up as an off-brand Ariel, and Sierra told her she'd be there for her first day.

"You like redheads?" Tory asked, trying to stay still as Sierra put red lipstick on her lips.

"If their name is Tory Nichols and they're wearing a red wig, then yes." Tory smiled.


Sierra beside Tory listened to the rehearsed story she was telling.

"Is that the prince stole from the other princess?" Sam asked, making Sierra glance at the kids.

Sierra didn't know exactly why Sam was there, but Sierra saw her Mom there as well. Sierra thought that if her Mom knew what happened she'd surely stick up for Tory just a bit but that wasn't the case.

"Actually, it was a princess." Tory smiled and looked at Sierra. The kids listened attentively, whether the teens were arguing or not.

When Sierra heard Tory start to sing, she paid more attention. Tory liked singing lyrics to songs she liked out loud, but only around her or her family. Not strangers.

"Wow, and I thought you were bad at fighting." Sam giggled stupidly and got up to leave. That's when Sierra saw it. Glitter in little cups.

"Glitter bomb." Tory furrowed her eyebrows until she saw the glitter as well.

"But the story doesn't end there. You see, the song didn't put the dragon to sleep. Instead, it turned it into an evil witch, and the witch has been spotted at kid's parties all over the Valley and the only way she can be destroyed is by a glitter bomb!" Tory grabbed the cups of glitter and handed them to the kids.

"There she is, trying to blend in with the crowd!" Sierra smirked as she pointed to Sam. The kids ran to her, throwing glitter at her. The glitter was sure to get stuck in her curls.

"Die evil witch!" The girls shouted. Sierra smiled, and Tory did as well.

"Thank you." Sierra shrugged.

"No problem," Sierra said, Tory, kissed the top of Sierra's head.


"I wish Sam wasn't such a-" Sierra started before she heard the doors behind her and Tory open.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Sam," Amanda said, she couldn't tell if the apology was completely to Tory or both Sierra and Tory.

"Yeah, tell that to her." Tory snapped quickly.

"I will." Amanda stepped closer. "Listen I understand the situation with your mom is difficult-"

"No, you don't so stay out of it!" Tory quickly stepped forward, causing Amanda to step back. Sierra put her arm out to stop Tory.

"Okay, I will." Amanda stepped back slowly.

"And while you're at it, stay away from Sierra. You sent her away, and now you try to make her feel bad now that she's happy, it's bullshit." Sierra glanced at her Mom, but she didn't say anything, because she agreed.

"Nobody can help you guys if you don't let them." Sierra pursed her lips as her Mom walked away.


"I just had a shitty day," Tory answered.

"I know, I'm sorry." Tory quickly put her hand on Sierra's. The Cobras were going to the drive-in and Sierra went with Tory only because she asked and because she said she'd watch for Kyler's attitude. Sierra listened to the long order that Kyler gave to Kenny, making her roll her eyes.

"Do you think Kenny's got a fucking notepad for your order or something?" Sierra crawled across Tory's lap and went out with Kenny who was talking to Robby.

"Hey, Sierra." Kenny smiled.

"C'mon, I'll help you." Kenny nodded.


"Lady's shouldn't have to carry anything, Sierra." Kenny's voice was muffled through the food and drinks.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be there to help in a minute, Kenny." Kenny nodded and started walking to the car. Sierra promised Tory's brother that she'd get him some candy and she got herself a drink and Tory some candy as well. Until she heard a crash and Hawk's voice. Sierra quickly rounded the corner, seeing Kenny and Hawk.

"The hells wrong with you, man?!" Sierra pushed Hawk's chest away from Kenny.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Hawk asked.

"She's with me." Tory and the other Cobra's came behind her. It almost looked as if she was in Cobra Kai again.

"I thought you were on our side, Sierra," Miguel asked, along with the other Miyagi Dos and Eagle Fangs.

"Right now, I'm on Kenny's side." Sierra motioned towards him.

"Okay, the Cobras will meet us at the baseball diamond in thirty minutes and then you can decide whose side you wanna be on," Miguel suggested. Sierra rolled her eyes, giving Tory the candy she'd gotten and taking her drink, and walking away.

No one was in the right here. Kenny was the victim and everyone else was wrong. Sierra just wanted one day with some shitty rivalry.


"The traitors finally here," Hawk muttered, Sierra, rolling her eyes.

"What's he talking about, Sierra?" Johnny asked quickly.

"I was on a date, then I stuck up for a kid that Hawk was messing with. A kid! The only reason I know him is because I was trying to help him learn to fight back against the bitches bullying him, and Robby told me about him because he knew his older brother. It had nothing to do with me being in Cobra Kai, and honestly you make me not wanna be in Eagle Fang because your just a fucking bully Hawk!" Hawk stared at Sierra, just as Daniel came outside.

"These kids showed restraint last night, all you did was side with the enemy, Sierra." Sierra glared at Daniel.

"I sided with a kid who was being picked on. Isn't that why Mr. Miyagi started teaching you, or am I mistaken?" Daniel went silent. Suddenly Sierra heard people walking inside. When she turned around, she saw Kreese and a friend of his. Sierra listened and asked questions whenever Daniel told his stories about high school, so she identified this man as Terry Silver.
Word Count:1,243

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now