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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra listened to the whole conversation between her Dad, Johnny, Terry Silver, and Kreese. Johnny asked her to stay outside, but she didn't know why. Before they were about to leave, Kreese and Terry turned to Sierra.

"We heard about your interest in our student Kenny." Sierra scrunched her nose in disgust.

"I'm not interested in him. For one, he's a guy and for two he's a child, that's disgusting." Sierra grimaced.

"We meant your teachings." Kreese corrected.

"Our doors will always be open to you, Sierra LaRusso." Terry Silver and Kreese walked out, leaving Sierra dumbfounded. They had practically just proved everyone's point that Sierra was a 'traitor'.


"His name is Terry Silver, he made it seem like he was going to teach my Dad new karate because Mr. Miyagi didn't want to, but he was sent by Kreese and he physically hurt my Dad. He made him punch boards until his knuckles bled, and made him kick boards until his feet and legs were bruised." Sierra explained to Demetri and Hawk.

"Hm, he seems like a good guy from the article." Sierra nodded.

"Because that's after all this happened, and it wasn't like it was in the news or anything." Sierra looked up and saw Hawk's hair. "Nice hair Hawk, Moon loves purple." Sierra laughed as Hawk blushed.

"Really?" Sierra nodded.

"Ooohh there she is." Hawk glared at her until she had to turn her back and walk to class.


Sierra:tell me ur joking abt fighting Daniel

Johnny🥋:no way kid.

Sierra:what happens when one of you wins?

Johnny🥋:we either teach Miyagi Do or Eagle Fang

Sierra:Johnny, pls win.

Johnny🥋:you bet👍🏼

Sierra was still uneasy about the fight. A lot was on the line, Sierra was starting to debate whether she wanted to continue karate anyways. A part of Sierra rooted for Johnny and another small part of Sierra was rooting for her Dad.

She chewed on her bottom lip and Johnny and Daniel were tied but then they both went down. Sam called Lawrence and Miguel called LaRusso. When they watched the tape again from some student's phone, they both fell at the same time.

"It's a tie." They blurted. When Sierra heard a gate close she looked up and saw a cloaked figure.

"Shit, Eli, what happened?" Demetri whispered.

"Hawk..." Sierra trailed. Hawk's face was blotched and red, he pulled down his hood and revealed his hair that had been involuntarily cut. Sierra walked up to Hawk who surprisingly hugged her.

"It was Cobra Kai." He whimpered, causing Sierra to pull away.

"It was Cobra Kai?" He nodded.

Sierra had finally had enough. Hawk's mohawk was what gave him his confidence. Or at least it did at first. Now, they'd taken that from him.

"I'll be right back," Sierra called, pulling out her car keys.

"Sierra, where are you going?" Daniel asked, but Sierra didn't answer.


Sierra arrived at the Cobra Kai dojo, and she could see a couple of Cobra's inside. Anger fueled her veins, pushing her forward. She entered the Cobra Kai dojo, smacking Kyler in the back of the head.

"What the hell?!" Kyler exclaimed, Tory quickly coming between the two.


"What the hells wrong with you?! Hawk was our friend and you knew how much his mohawk meant to him!" Tory's face fell. Sierra had hardly ever been mad at her, but she'd never been this mad.

"Sierra-" Tory started.

"You know what, I don't wanna hear it! I've made excuse after excuse for you, hoping that something would change with my family and everything would be great but no. We're over Tory!" Sierra shouted, Tory's eyes going wide.

"No, Sierra, please. Don't do this." Tory tried to follow Sierra outside.

"No, Tory. I love you, more than anything, but you went too far." Sierra climbed into her car and drove back to the dojo.


When Sierra came back to the dojo, she saw Daniel and Johnny arguing.

"Sierra, the Eagle Fangs are leaving." Sierra looked between Daniel and Johnny.

"Sierra, if you go with them you have no chance of ever redeeming yourself to me." Sierra scoffed.

"Do pull that shit, there's nothing I can do to redeem myself to you. Nothing I do is ever good enough." Sierra followed Johnny out of the dojo, Hawk beside her.

"What'd you do?" He asked.

"Not anything they'll be mad about. Just hit Kyler in the back of the head and..." Sierra took a deep breath.

"What?" Hawk asked.

"I broke up with Tory." Hawk watched Sierra look up at the sky.

When Sierra and Hawk had first met, when he was Eli, he had a massive crush on her. When he became Hawk, and when she told everyone about her being sapphic, he slowly lost those feelings.

"You didn't have to do that, Sierra. I know how much you liked her." Sierra shrugged.

"You're my friend, Hawk. I'll stick up for you as I did Kenny."
A/n: 1-sorry for the short chapter, 2-I hate that they broke up😭, 3-just to let y'all know, season 4 will only have eight episodes because of an event in the eighth episode.
Word Count:872

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