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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Johnny knew that Sierra's birthday was coming up, he remembered it even before Sam was bragging about how she was going to have a birthday party after prom night. It was unfortunate that Sam and Sierra's birthday fell on prom night, but Sierra seemed excited about it.

Johnny had been planning on this 'gift' for a while, but he felt like there needed to be a special occasion for it. Now that Johnny and Daniel were fighting again, this would be more difficult. Still, Johnny felt like he needed to do this. For both Sierra, and him. So he drove to the LaRusso Auto Dealership and asked to speak with Amanda LaRusso.

"What's wrong Johnny, did something happen?" Amanda asked as soon as they got to her office.

"I just needed some help with a gift for Sierra's birthday." Amanda's face immediately wash with relief, knowing nothing bad had happened to Sierra.

"Well, I can give you some ideas-"

"No, I have a gift I just need your help with it." Johnny pulled out an envelope from his back pocket, it was slightly crinkled but not too badly, and he handed it to Amanda.

"What is this?" She asked, taking the envelope.

"I want to become Sierra's legal father."


Dad🖕🏻:Did you know that Anthony was being made fun of by a Cobra Kai student?

Sierra:what, no!

Dad🖕🏻:I wouldn't put it past you to keep something like that from me just to defend your little girlfriend.

Sierra:okay, first of all, if Anthony told me he was being bullied I'd handle it and if I couldn't THEN I'd tell you! second of all, I broke up with my girlfriend because of what she did, so don't fucking bring her up!

Sierra:Anthony, ur being bullied at school? by a Cobra? and you told Dad and not me?

Anthony🎮:how'd you find out?

Sierra:he texted me saying asking if I knew and just kept it from him to defend my ex gf.

Anthony🎮:I'm sorry, he found a Cobra Kai sweatshirt in my room. I was gonna tell you sooner or later.

Sierra:sooner or later? Anthony, I could've handled it.

Anthony🎮:well now Dad's teaching me karate, so I'll be able to handle it.

Sierra:he's teaching you karate?




Sierra:nothing, just have fun and pay attention.


Sierra walked in with a girl named Devon, a girl that Johnny recruited when he didn't think that Sierra could be in the tournament but Sierra told him to keep her recruited because it would be nice to have another girl in Eagle Fang.

"You're a lot smarter than I am, you're probably so badass when your...debating." Sierra smiled as Devon giggled.

"Thanks, you should come and watch sometime. It gets real heated sometimes." Sierra laughed.

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now