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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra:yeah, I'll be able to meet you but it'll be a little later. srry.

Eli🧪:what happened?

Sierra:Johnny said that my mom wanted to see my prom dress, and she wanted to wish me a happy bday so I have to go with him and Miguel.

Eli🧪:damn, srry Sierra

Sierra:it's fine, my family's there so Daniel won't say anything.

Eli🧪:you still gonna call him Daniel in front of your family?

Sierra:hah, I'm not even gonna talk to him.

Eli🧪:lmao, call or text me if you need anything

Sierra:kk 🫶🏼

Sierra sounded more confident in her text than she felt in person. She was nervous about seeing Daniel again, and she hadn't spoken to Anthony in a while. Her mom said he was grounded, Sierra felt bad for thinking he deserved it but he did. He was being a bully and was rightfully being punished for it.

"Do I look okay, Sierra?" Miguel asked as they sat in the backseat of Johnny's car.

"You look great, Miguel." Miguel grinned, adjusting his tie for about the millionth time.

Sierra went dress shopping with Carmen and Miguel went suit shopping with Johnny. Sierra chose a princess off the shoulder long strapless pink flower dress. Sierra always dreamed of a prom dress like the one she'd chosen, she was just grateful that she had a bit of money left over on a card her parents used to transfer money to when they got their monthly allowance.

Carmen had done her hair, taking the two front pieces of her hair and twisting them to tie them in the back. Then she curled the ends of her hair. Carmen even helped Sierra do her makeup since Sierra wasn't too experienced with eyeshadow and stuff like that. Sierra wore light pink eyeshadow, mascara, blush, highlighter, and lip gloss.

Eli said he'd wear a matching pink bow tie since neither of them had dates. Plenty of people had asked both of them to prom, but they both turned them down for girls they weren't even with. So, the two decided to go as friends to the prom.

Sierra trailed behind Miguel, Carmen, and Miguel's Ya-Ya, staying with Johnny. Eli was going to pick Sierra up whenever he was done getting ready, and then they'd pick Demetri up on the way.

"Sierra, I know you're nervous about this but if it helps at all, I have a present for you when you get back." Sierra looked up at Johnny.

"You remembered my birthday? And got me a gift?" Johnny smiled and nodded.

"Of course, and you look great Sierra. I'm sure that Tory would think the same if you guys were going together." Sierra gulped, she didn't know if Tory was going to the prom or not. She sort of hoped she would, so she could talk to her, but if she was going with someone she knew that it would hurt to see her.

"Thanks, Johnny." Sierra walked through the door, Daniel staring blankly at her as she walked through the threshold.

"Sierra, you look like a doll!" Sierra's grandma gawked as she gave her a hug.

"Thank you." Sierra giggled.

"You look amazing, Sierra." Amanda chimed as Sierra pulled away.

"Thanks, Mama." Sierra smiled at her Mom and Amanda smiled back.

"Happy birthday." Sierra nodded, almost not believing that she was seventeen. "Did you get a date?" Sierra raised her eyebrows.

"No, I'm just going with Eli and Demetri. As friends." Amanda frowned slightly, she expected Tory to ask her.

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now