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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra heard lots of things. She heard lots of words and lots of voices. Lots of voices from lots of different people she recognized. Until she didn't. She didn't recognize voices or stories or people's names. She only knew the replaying scene in her mind.

Thrashing water and her head always feeling tight. The only other thing besides that? Her name. Sierra. Sierra was all she remembered. It was the only comfort from the overwhelming water. Water that smelled like chemicals and blood.

Unknowingly to Sierra, Johnny got a call that night as well. He was practically waiting by the door for Sierra to come home. All he wanted was to give the papers to Sierra, so he could make sure that she also wanted this, and he could turn in the papers and become Sierra's legal father.

When he got the call, it wasn't from Amanda or Daniel. It was from Miguel. Miguel had said that he knew Sierra would want him to call him, calling Mr. LaRusso was useless. Johnny was at the hospital before Daniel or Amanda. The envelope containing the signed papers sat on the table, Sierra's name printed as well as Johnny could write. He wasted a lot of envelopes.


Sierra blinked. She blinked, she couldn't believe she blinked. Why couldn't she believe it, she didn't know. The room around her was white and unfamiliar, but everything seemed to be unfamiliar. What was her middle name? Or last name? Who was she besides Sierra? She didn't know.

Sierra pulled various cords off of her, hearing various noises chorus after she did so. Her limbs felt heavy as she walked to the bathroom. She thought if she could see herself, then maybe she could remember something because when she thought about it, she couldn't remember any of her features. It was likes someone went into her mind and wiped her memories clean.

Sierra closed the bathroom door, turning and looking into the mirror. She had black hair which seemed to curl a bit at the ends and brown eyes. Her lips were a light pink and her skin was a light caramel color. She stared into the mirror, none of her questions had answers. When she heard the door open, she turned quickly, seeing three adults. Two guys and one girl.

One of the guys was blonde, his eyes were blue, and his skin was light. The other guy had brown hair, brown eyes, and skin like her own. The woman had brown hair, her eyes were bluish-green, and her skin was light as well but she was paler than the blonde man.

"Sierra, are you alright? You scared the hell out of us!" The woman exclaimed and reached forward, but Sierra recoiled from her touch, the woman's eyebrows pulling together. Sierra could tell she was confused.

"Who are you?" The woman's eyes softened, and her face was full of shock and surprise.

"Get the doctor."


Sierra sat in a room with a doctor. One side of the room had a window where you could see the rest of the hospital but the doctor told her that the people who'd she'd seen in the doorway to the bathroom, and some other people, would be on the other side and listening. She just couldn't see or hear them. Sierra thought she knew the word for that, but it took her a moment to find it.

"I'm just going to ask you a few questions about yourself, okay? Answer as best as you can." Sierra nodded, feeling a fluttering in her stomach. She felt anxious, and the doctor kept looking her in the eyes, so she looked at the glass. She hoped she didn't creep out anyone who was behind the glass by staring. Unaware to Sierra, she stared at Johnny, and even though he knew she couldn't see him, he was glad he could see her eyes open again.

He'd spent many days, simply talking to Sierra, her eyes closed and her body still. She only moved when she breathed, Johnny waited for the day when she would talk and move again although he wasn't exactly patient for it. Now that day was here, the doctor was saying she may have amnesia.

"Can you tell me what your name is?"

"Sierra." The doctor wrote something down on his chart.

"Do you know your middle name or last name?" Sierra shook her head. "Do you know your Mother's name?" Sierra shook her head again. Amanda frowned behind the glass, Daniel putting his hand on her shoulder.

"She may not remember anyone, Amanda, it's not personal." He whispered.

When Daniel and Amanda got the call, Daniel felt terrible. He hadn't said a single word to Sierra that day. He didn't even compliment her dress or her makeup. If he was being honest, he thought she looked beautiful, but he didn't say anything because he didn't want to apologize for what he had said. He felt bad about it, but he didn't want to apologize.

"Do you know your Father's name?" Sierra paused, her eyebrows furrowed as she thought.

"It's okay if you don't remember, we can continue." The doctor said, flipping through Sierra's chart.

"No! I just need a second!" Sierra begged, and the doctor nodded. Daniel's breath hitched in his throat, he hoped she remembered, he prayed that she remembered.

"That's okay, just tell me when you're ready." Sierra gulped, the name was on the tip of her tongue. It started with a J, she was sure it did.

"Johnny?" Johnny smiled, and Daniel frowned. The doctor wrote in his chart.

"Do you know your sister's name?" Sierra shook her head, Sam chewed on her nails from behind the glass. She was almost glad Sierra didn't remember her. "What about your brother's name?" Sierra nodded.

"Anthony." Anthony smiled behind the glass, his face was pale and blotchy red and pink patches littered his face from crying.

"Good, any romantic partners?" Sierra had a flash of a girl's face.

"I...a girl? She was blonde, with hazel eyes. Her name started with...maybe a T?" Tory smiled from behind the glass, a single tear falling. Tory hated being separated from Sierra, she wanted nothing more than to kiss Sierra again.

"Any friends?" The doctor asked, looking at Sierra over his glasses.

"Eli." Sierra was sure of that name. She couldn't remember his face, just his name.

"Can you remember any memories of any of these people?" Sierra slowly shook her head. "What about any sports? Like soccer, maybe softball?" Sierra remembered a kick and a white gi. A gi? What was a gi? Why did she know what a gi was?

"Something with a gi?" The doctor nodded. Of course, he knew only the things Sierra's parents and friends told him.

"Maybe karate?" The doctor suggested.

"Yeah, that sounds right." Sierra nodded, looking at her lap. She still wore a hospital gown that was light blue with darker blue diamonds on it.

"You did great, Sierra. I'm gonna bring you back to your room and then your gonna meet some people, okay?" Sierra nodded and stood up with the doctor.
Word Count:1,198

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