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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra sat in her hospital bed, they had connected her back to machines, alone. The only sounds in the room were the beeping machines. Sierra fiddled with the blankets on her lap, her mind was blank. She had no thoughts or anything. The doctor spoke to Daniel and Amanda, instructing them on what to do when they spoke to Sierra. The doctor also specifically said that Daniel should be the one to go in, not Johnny.

Sierra looked up as she heard the door open, seeing the woman and the brunette man from earlier. Sierra wondered who they were, and why they kept appearing. They sat down at the seats to her left, both of them leaning forward.

"Sierra, my name is Amanda LaRusso, and I'm your Mother." Sierra felt like her name sounded familiar. Sierra thought her mother was so pretty. She looked nice, Sierra wished she would've remembered her.

"And my name is Daniel LaRusso, and I'm your Father." Sierra's eyebrows furrowed, this couldn't be right. She was sure that Johnny was her Dad. That was one of the only things she was sure of.

"No...no, Johnny-" Sierra started, but was cut off by her Mom.

"Johnny is your karate Sensei who you see as your father, but Daniel is your biological Father." Sierra's eyes slowly trailed back down to her lap. It didn't make any sense, Daniel looked nice enough. Why would she see her Sensei as her Father?

"Do you want to see your brother and sister?" Sierra nodded, she remembered her brother Anthony but not his face or his voice or any memories with him. Just she had a brother named Anthony. Sierra heard her Mom get up and leave the room, leaving the door open behind her. It was only a couple of minutes after when she came back into the room with a boy. The boy was pale, like Sierra's mom, with longish fluffy black hair and brown eyes. His face was blotchy pink and red, Sierra thought he might've been crying, and that made her feel protective and worried. She didn't know why.

"Sierra?" Anthony asked, fiddling with his sweatshirt. She remembered him, but she didn't at the same time? Anthony didn't understand. Everything they'd been through, and Sierra couldn't remember it?

"Anthony." Sierra felt a smile form on her face, when she said his name and saw his face it was almost like something clicked. That was her brother. She still couldn't remember any memories, but she knew that he was her brother. A brother she must've cared a lot about because she felt so terrible when she saw him cry. "Don't cry." She gulped, why was she about to cry?

Anthony practically ran to her, quickly throwing his arms around her shoulders and crying into the crook of her neck. Sierra immediately hugged him back, rubbing his back with her hand.

"I thought you were gonna die." She heard Anthony mumble into her neck. She felt as if her heart twisted into a knot. As she looked up, she saw a girl in the doorway. She looked the same age as Sierra, but she didn't look anything like her. She had curly, light brown hair, and blue eyes, and she was pale like her brother and Mom.

"C'mon, Sam. It's okay." Sierra heard her Mom say, trying to urge the girl to come into the room. Anthony quickly pulled away, turning to their Mom and the girl.

"She can't come in here, she's the whole reason Sierra's in the hospital! Sam did this to her!" Anthony shouted, the girl's eyes filled with tears. Sierra looked between Anthony and her Mom, to Daniel, to the girl, and then all over again.

"What?" Sierra felt everyone's eyes go to her, making her only slightly uncomfortable.

"You went to prom, and Sam started a fight with your ex-girlfriend and so Sam's two ex-boyfriends started to fight each other. You tried to stop them, but Sam slammed your head into the ground and then grabbed you by your hair and tried to drown you! You got amnesia from the concussion she gave you!" Anthony shouted again, Sierra guessed the girl's name was Sam, Sierra's hand flew to the back of her head where she could feel stitches in her head. She's gotten them from Sam's nails digging into her scalp.

"Anthony, you're freaking her out. Calm down." Amanda added as she heard Sierra's heart rate speed up from the monitor.

"Sam shouldn't be here, if she should be anywhere it should be jail!" Sierra clutched Anthony's arm, causing him to turn to her.

"It's okay, Anthony." Anthony's chin wobbled. Anthony thought his sister, his best friend, was going to die. All because Sam was upset over a comment she made, and then everyone was trying to make her feel better about it. As if she didn't have a choice between not fighting and almost killing their sister. Sierra turned her head so she could see Sam. "You can come in, Sam." Sierra didn't know why her parents and her sister seemed so shocked, but Sam walked into the room and her Mom closed the door behind her.

"I'm so sorry, Sierra. I...I don't know what was wrong with me, I didn't mean to do it, I swear!" Sam cried, putting her face in her hands. A part of Sierra wondered why Sam was making this situation all about her but another part of her felt bad.

"Well, I don't remember what you did, so I guess I can forgive you." Sam looked up at Sierra, she knew she couldn't remember but she didn't think that the amnesia would change her completely. "I'm sorry for whatever I said to you." Sam felt her eyes water, Sierra really hadn't done anything wrong.

"Sierra," Sierra turned to her Mom, "would you wanna see some friends of yours, maybe even Johnny or Tory?" Sierra wasn't sure who Tory was but she nodded and Amanda went to go get the others and call a few other people as well.
A/n: sorry for such a short chapter!
Word Count:1,028

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