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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Johnny walked into the room the Amanda, the other kids waiting outside. Johnny couldn't believe that Sierra actually thought of him as a Dad, even enough to remember him through the amnesia. When Sierra saw the blonde man walk into her room, she already knew who it was. It was Johnny.

"Hey, kid," Johnny spoke quietly, sitting in the seat next to her. Amanda and Daniel had told Sierra that they'd let Sierra speak to whoever it was alone.

"Johnny." Sierra breathed, Johnny smiling as he realized that she knew who he was.

"You know I'm Johnny?" Sierra slowly nodded.

"I know you're Johnny, but I don't remember anything about you." Johnny nodded slowly, he didn't know where to start, or what to talk about.

"Well, I started out as your karate Sensei. You were in Cobra Kai, and then we changed dojos because Cobra Kai was taken over by an old friend of mine so we became Eagle Fang." Sierra slowly nodded again. "But you didn't have the best relationship with your Dad, and that's why you said I was your Dad to the doctor and you were staying with me before this all happened." Sierra nodded again.

"Was I good? At karate?" Johnny chuckled.

"The best, you could've won the All Valley if your Dad would've signed the papers." Sierra thought that the All Valley sounded familiar, but maybe it wasn't.

"The All Valley, it sounds familiar." Sierra watched as Johnny's face slowly turned into a disappointed look.

"Yeah, there was an All Valley tournament coming up and your Mom signed the papers so you could be in it because your Dad wouldn't. You were so excited about it, it was supposed to happen soon after prom. Which prom was also the same day as you and Sam's birthday." Johnny looked at Sierra as she looked across the room.

"I...I was going to forfeit." Sierra felt a slip of a memory in her brain. She remembered saying it to herself.

"Forfeit?" Johnny asked, that didn't seem like something Sierra would do.

"If I was put up against Sam, I was going to forfeit." Sierra wondered why. If she was good at karate like Johnny had said, why would she forfeit? Especially if her sister was as bad as she sounded. "But I can't remember why," Sierra added. Her head was slowly starting to hurt, she didn't know if it was from her trying so hard to remember or from all the information she was retaining, either way, her head felt like someone was banging their fists against it.

"It probably had something to do with your Dad. You always thought he favored your sister." Johnny answered, looking away from Sierra. Something inside of her told her that he was hiding something.

"Does he favor her?" She asked, Johnny, stayed silent for a moment.

"I think so, but Daniel just thinks you're a bad kid." Sierra felt like someone had just stabbed her in the chest. She understood now why she thought of Johnny as her Father. Maybe she was a bad kid, maybe she didn't deserve Daniel's love, but surely even if a kid is bad they still deserve their parent's love. "But you're not, you're not a bad kid. You're one of the best kids in the Valley, even if your Dad can't see it." Sierra smiled.

"Thank you, Johnny." There was a knock at the door and then the door opened revealing Sierra's Mom.

"Johnny, we've got someone who really wants to see Sierra." Johnny nodded, turning to Sierra.

"I'll see you soon, Sierra." Sierra nodded, only wondering who else wanted to see her. After Johnny left, a girl entered. The girl. The girl she saw when the doctor asked if she had any romantic relationships. The blonde girl who she couldn't stop thinking about, who she thought was so pretty.

"Hi, Sierra." The girl's eyes were already filled with tears as she smiled at Sierra. T. The girl who started with T. What was her name? She wanted to remember, she needed to remember.

"I'm sorry, I...I know your name starts with T but I can't remember the rest of it." The girl shook her head as she sat down next to Sierra, clasping her hand in hers. Sierra felt like this was normal as if her hand belonged in hers. Maybe it did, but Sierra didn't know why. She hated not knowing stuff.

"It's okay Sierra, my name's Tory." Sierra thought that sounded right, her name sounded wonderful. Like a stream running over rocks in the middle of a forest.

"I saw your face when the doctor was asking me questions. I thought you were so pretty, but I couldn't remember your name for the life of me." Sierra laughed slightly as she looked at her lap.

"You've always told me you thought I was pretty." Tory rubbed her thumb up and down against the back of Sierra's hand. She'd done this when Sierra was in her coma, but it felt so much better now that Sierra gripped her hand back. "I know you don't remember a lot but, I was your friend, and then your girlfriend, but then I did something really bad. I hurt our friend so you broke up with me, and I regretted it ever since. It was so hard being without you, Sierra, even before this." Sierra looked at Tory, her heart seemed to warm.

"You were my girlfriend?" Tory laughed.

"Yes, I was, and I loved you. I loved you so much. I mean, my brother loved you, my Mom loved you, practically everyone loved you, Sierra." Sierra smiled.

"Did you do the All Valley too?" Sierra asked, she had a feeling Tory did karate as well.

"I was going to, but I didn't. Neither did our other friend, Robby, so they lost and went away so we joined Eagle Fang and now everything's so much better. I just, I just wish it could've happened before this, so you could be as happy as I know you would've been." Tory's eyes welled up again. "I'm sorry I didn't get to you sooner, Sierra. It's all my fault, if I could do it over again I would've saved you. I would've done anything to save you." Tory cried and Sierra could feel her expression soften.

"It's not your fault, Tory. If anyone's, it's Sam's, but it's over now." Tory wiped her cheek, smiling at Sierra.

"Tory, is it alright if we come in now?" Sierra saw a boy who had a buzzcut, but she could tell he was blonde.

"Yeah, you guys can come in." Tory flashed a smile at the boy before a large group of people came inside.

There was a boy with skin like Sierra, but just a bit darker, with black hair and brown eyes. Another boy had light skin, brown hair, and hazel eyes. Another boy who was extremely pale with brown hair and brown eyes. There were only two girls with them. One girl looked young, but the same age as Sierra at the same time. She had brown hair and brown eyes, the other girl was tan with light brown hair and her eyes were a dark brown. She didn't recognize anyone, but the boy with a blonde buzzcut interested her the most. She thought he was Eli.
Word Count:1,234

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now