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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Johnny took Sierra to his karate dojo, he said that it used to be the Cobra Kai dojo but after they had left, Johnny bought it. Now, it was Eagle Fang.

"You don't have to practice or anything, I just thought you might like to go," Johnny announced, pulling into the parking lot.

"I wanna try, just in case I do remember." Johnny felt uneasy about her practicing, he didn't want her to possibly get hurt again but he didn't want to keep her from something she wanted to do, so he nodded.

"We can start off with something easy, you can practice with me." Sierra nodded, she didn't remember anything about karate. Just a couple of words like ais and gi. That wouldn't help her, but she wanted to at least try. She didn't just want to give up.

When Sierra walked inside, she was bombarded by a hug from Tory. Tory and Robby had both joined Eagle Fang, along with some other previous Cobra Kai members but some others had joined Miyagi Do, and many others had simply quit.

"We're glad you're back, Sierra." Sierra slowly smiled as she hugged Tory back.

"I'm glad to be back too." Sierra wasn't lying, something about being in this environment again was exciting to her. Tory pulled away, and although Sierra seemed to have changed, Tory still loved her. She wanted to be with her again, but she wanted to give her some time to herself, so maybe she could remember something.

"Are you gonna practice with us?" Tory asked, pulling her closer to the others.

"Johnny said I would practice with him, just to see what I remember." Tory always thought Sierra was amazing at karate, she was always so passionate about it. She found it sort of sad that she may not be able to do the thing she loved.

"You guys do some warm-ups, I'll be out in a second," Johnny announced, taking Sierra to a room away from the main one. "I'm gonna take it easier on you, okay kid?" Sierra nodded, her body moving before she could think of what to do. It was like a whisper when she tried to think of what the stance was called. A fighting stance. "Good, you remembered the fighting stance," Johnny smirked, getting into his own fighting stance.

"I really didn't, I think my body remembers it but not my brain," Sierra whispered, trying to think of what the word for that was. Muscle memory. That's what it was called.

"Well, we're just trying to see how much you remember. Just try your best." Sierra nodded, she didn't want to disappoint Johnny.

Johnny threw a punch, but Sierra quickly blocked it, and she smiled. Johnny didn't teach her to block that way, but he'd seen Sam block that way so he guessed that it was Miyagi Do. As they continued, it turned out that Sierra remembered a lot more than she thought she did. Johnny thought she did as well as she would in the All Valley.

"I think you're ready to practice with the others." Sierra grinned.


Sierra came home and took a shower, she hated feeling so dirty and sweaty. Anthony said he wanted to meet up with her tomorrow, so she wanted to be well-rested for it. Then, she went to the kitchen, Johnny said he wanted to talk after Sierra was ready. She sat at the table and waited for Johnny who said he only needed a moment. When he came back he had a beer for himself, a Dr. Pepper for Sierra, and an envelope.

"I was gonna give this to you as a present that night, but ya know..." He cleared his throat as he handed her the envelope and sat down next to her.

Sierra tore the seal, pulling out the contents of the envelope. It was a paper. She unfolded it, reading the many pages until she got to multiple signatures.

"You...you wanna be my Dad?" Johnny nodded.

"I wanted to make sure this was what you wanted, especially now, now that you could start over with your Dad." Something inside of Sierra told her to say yes. A part of her yearned to be Johnny's daughter and she sort of understood why.

"Yes, I wanna be your daughter, Johnny." Sierra watched a tear drop into the paper, causing the paper to wrinkle a bit. Johnny pulled Sierra into a hug, it hurt to see her cry, even if they were happy tears.
Word Count:761

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now