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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra heard that she'd been very close with Tory's little brother, Brandon when they were together and he missed her when they broke up. He missed her, even more, when he thought she was gonna die, so Sierra decided to take Brandon and Tory shopping with her.

"Tory says she doesn't really like shopping, but she really does. She loves shopping. Except for groceries, she hates shopping for groceries." Brandon rambled as Sierra and Tory looked through some clothes. He promised to behave as long as he got a toy, and Sierra didn't have a problem with that.

"I hate grocery shopping too." Brandon smiled, Sierra didn't feel like he was her little brother. Brandon felt more like her son than anything. Sierra and Tory were checking out when Brandon tugged on her sleeve.


"Hm?" She asked.

"Are you gonna date Tory again?" Sierra felt her cheeks heat up. She wanted to, but she felt too awkward to ask her out.

"I...I don't know, it's up to her." Sierra paid the cashier, and they all started to walk to Sierra's car.

"I'll put these in your trunk." Tory smiled, taking Sierra's bags along with her own.

"Thanks." Sierra smiled, getting into the driver's seat.


"Yes, Brandon?" Sierra asked, looking at him in the review mirror.

"Tory likes you, a whole lot! If you want, I can tell her to ask you out!" Sierra felt her cheeks heat up again.

"I, uh, no Brandon it's alright." Sierra saw Brandon frown which caused her to sigh. "But, if you'd like, you can." Brandon smiled again, just as Tory got in the car.

"Sierra, can we get milkshakes like we used to?!" Brandon asked excitedly.

"Brandon..." Tory started.

"It's okay! Yes, we can Brandon." Sierra smiled, starting to drive to Burger King.

"You spoil him too much." Tory laughed, but Sierra felt as if this had happened before. As if Tory had said those exact words to her before, but Sierra didn't know.


"You really didn't have to, Sierra." Sierra shook her head.

"It's my pleasure, Tory." Sierra started helping Tory put things in her closet, but she felt awkward as Tory was a bit more quiet than usual. "Tory, are you okay?" Sierra asked, putting a shirt on a hanger.

"Yeah, Brandon just told me something." Sierra gulped, what if Brandon wasn't completely honest? What if Tory really didn't like Sierra?

"What did he say?" She asked, acting as if she didn't know what Brandon had said.

"He said that you were waiting for me to ask you out." Sierra was silent, Tory stared at the back of Sierra's head. "Sierra?"


"Can you turn around, please?" Sierra gulped, turning around as Tory had asked. "Is Brandon telling the truth?" Tory asked as she walked to the edge of her bed and sat down in front of Sierra, looking up at her through her eyelashes.

"Well, he asked me if I was gonna date you again so I told him that it was up to you. So I mean, he's not lying." Tory clutched both of Sierra's hands in both of hers.

"Will you be my girlfriend, again, Sierra?" Tory watched as Sierra's cheeks went bright red as she smiled.

"Yes!" Tory smiled, kissing Sierra's hands and then her cheeks and then her lips. Tory wished that she'd asked Sierra out a lot sooner.
A/n: again, sorry for such a short chapter. but the amount of sexual tension I felt writing this was really uncalled for💀
Word Count:594

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now