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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Sierra saw light pink flowers on white wallpaper. The rest of the room was a plain white. Sierra didn't know where she was or what she was doing in the room. Her head felt like it was huge like it would tumble off her shoulders if she tried to sit up as if she were a bobblehead.

Her eyes moved to meet with a boy's. She didn't know who he was or what he was doing until she felt him touch her and other parts of him touching her. Internally she was screaming, begging, and crying, but she couldn't get any words past her lips. She closed her eyes tightly, and when she opened them, he was gone.

Johnny was woken up by screams through his sleep, when he realized they were Sierra's screams he immediately ran to her room.

She stood up quickly, walking out of the room and suddenly the house was different. When she looked back at the room she'd been in, it was different. When she looked down, her clothes were different. She was in a pink flower dress, it was beautiful. As she walked down the hall she saw Sam and Miguel, along with Tory and Robby. She wanted to ask what they were doing together, but something attracted her to the pool outside.

There weren't many people outside, but when she asked herself why she was going outside there wasn't an answer. Her body moved despite her mind taking her to stop. Suddenly she felt someone grab her hair, her hands immediately went to whoever held her hair scratching and clawing at their arm.

When she looked back, she saw it was Sam. She felt her face plunged into the water, she felt the water burn her throat and nose as she involuntarily breathed in. She could taste the blood that circled in the water around her. She thrashed against the water around her, her chest felt heavy, the water filling her lungs.

Johnny shook Sierra violently, desperately trying to wake her up. She shot up, her face drenched with tears, her breathing was fast and shallow.

"Sierra, it was just a nightmare, you're okay." Sierra looked around the room hurriedly, she thought she'd be back in that room with that boy.

"I don't know what I remembered this time, but I know it wasn't good." Sierra put her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking. Johnny remembered when she'd done this once before, after telling him what happened at a friend's party at their house.

"Just tell me and I'll try to help figure out what it is," Johnny whispered, sitting next to her on her bed. Sierra quickly embraced him, crying into the crook of his neck.

Johnny listened, although Sierra had already told him this once before. She'd had a nightmare about the night of the party and the night Sam had drowned her. The doctors thought this would happen, and instructed Amanda, Daniel, and Johnny to call her therapist when it did happen.

"Sierra, I know what happened I just don't know if I should tell you all about it." Sierra wiped her eyes, pulling away from Johnny.

"But I wanna know." Sierra pleaded, Johnny, glanced away for a moment.

"You went to this party, and some guy drugged you and raped you. You came to my house and told me all about it, and I drove you home after that so you could tell your parents." Johnny answered, Sierra stared intently at the blankets.

"Don't baby her, Amanda!"

"I have an explanation, I promise!"

"You have an excuse. Who's car was outside?"

Sierra remembered wishing she'd stayed with Johnny.

"He wouldn't listen to me." Sierra's chin wobbled again.

"Who, Sierra?"

"Daniel. I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen." Sierra felt a hot tear trail down her cheek. She was starting to remember things slowly, but some things she wished she hadn't remembered.

"He knows now, and he believed you. You even fought the guy who did it! Twice!" Sierra chuckled a bit.

"Did I win?" She asked, staring at Johnny with watery eyes.

"Yeah, you did." Sierra smiled, Johnny smiling as well. "I gotta call someone, but I'll be right back, alright?" Sierra nodded, Johnny went back to his room, grabbing his phone, and calling Daniel.

"Johnny, it's four in the morning."

"Sierra's remembering stuff, like in her dreams, we gotta call the therapist lady."
A/n: this book is almost over and it makes me wanna cry😭
Word Count:757

𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Tory NicholsWhere stories live. Discover now