Time eases heartbreak

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WARNING : Slight angst but mostly trying to recover

This chapter wasn't very eventful but it will get better hahah

Vincent stayed home for a week. Just as he thought his life could maybe, somewhat, return to a numbingly dull normal, it had all come crashing down. He had thought he was fighting his way back up, but as he walked home from school that day, soaked from the rain and the tears, he had realized that he hadn't been getting back up, he had just been fighting to not fall down further. Being home for a week had improved his mental health, his eyes still filled with tears at times, and everything he did reminded him of Kayden, but the paralyzing agony that hit him in waves didn't hit as frequently, and was less nauseating. Sometimes he even felt like he could breathe again. It was Sunday and he had decided that tomorrow was the day he returned to school, his friend's believed he had catched the flu. He hadn't said a word to them other than to inform him of his supposed illness. He felt somewhat guilty for ghosting everyone that cared about him, but at the same time, he was too tired to care. He had been too tired to do anything at all for almost the entire week. He got his energy back slowly, as he managed to sleep a little more every night, falling asleep a little quicker, having fewer nightmares. His parents were worrying, he could tell, but they hadn't asked. He wasn't going to tell them anything if they did. He wouldn't out Kayden, who had asked Vincent to keep their relationship a secret. He wasn't really sure why he cared anymore, since they were over, and Kayden apparently hadn't actually cared, but it still felt wrong.

It was another Monday morning and Kayden's heart ached and anxiety always lingered in his head, every minute of every hour of every day, tears fighting to burst out. He had realized how painfully two faced he was, he had always been an emotional person, but none of his friends would ever have guessed. No one except for Vincent, that was, but he hadn't been in school for an entire week, and didn't get to witness Kaydens charades. Kaydens stone-cold face hid the agony inside. He had managed through the week without Vincent, constantly trying to keep him out of his head and out of his heart. To no avail, of course, but he tried. He had almost been relieved that Vincent wasn't in school, because that meant Kayden could ignore everything that had happened. He could pretend they were both fine, that Vincent was actually sick. He could pretend nothing had happened between them, and that when he came back they would... What would they be? In Kaydens dream scenario, what would they be? He wasn't sure. When he came home every day, after another day of school, he couldn't stop the longing thoughts and the self hatred. Vincent's shaking body and eyes full of tears haunted him, and as soon as he was falling asleep, the memory played before his inner eye. Saying he was exhausted was an understatement. It had gotten better though, his heart slowly realizing and accepting his fate. He could never be with Vincent again. Vincent would be okay. With enough time, they would both be. Time eases heartbreak, isn't that what they all say?

It was Monday morning and Vincent was feeling stronger than usual, more composed.

"Vincent! Hey!" Aiden's voice rang through the corridor as his friend met him with a smile. Vincent chuckled and flashed a smile back, he was genuinely happy to see his friends again. He felt bad for ignoring them for the whole week.

"Glad you're feeling better!" Adam grinned as he joined them, and patted him on the shoulder affectionately. Vincent chuckled, before starting the painful yet necessary integration of what he had missed in each and every subject.

"You haven't missed much. You'll have to catch up on math, and maybe some chem, but that's about it." Aiden shrugged. Vincent knew it was an understatement. He turned to Adam.

"You'll have a bunch of biology to do too, but it's not too, too, bad!" He sighed, he didn't want to have to spend every afternoon the entire week catching up, he didn't know if he would be able to, but he didn't seem to have much of a choice. Kayden joined them, eventually.

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