Chapter 11- 15

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Chapter Eleven

There was a long silence, which made me nervous as to what Feather might be thinking, especially when I still couldn't push through whatever bizarre barrier seemingly surrounding the open door to his mind. So I gave up, for the time being that is, and allowed the nocturnal noises and the night's sky to blanket us as we thought to ourselves. Just as I was falling folly to the sleepiness already weighing heavily upon me, Feather spoke and startled me back awake.

"I think until we can find a more tangible explanation, we should just assume it was your subconscious playing out a scenario of what you might hear, if you actually came face to face with Marcus and the subject of your mom's death arose. With what you witness in your mom's bedroom, perhaps in your mind and the few interactions we've all had with Marcus, you imagined the cruelty we know he's capable of. If that made any sense.

"Like maybe, the Beetlejuice-ambience and Marcus were purely a dream...fictional for lack of better wording. And the part with your mom was the only real part of the dream— but again until we know for sure, I think we should still tell the others."

A mm-hmm in agreement was all I was able to muster before sleep washed over me.

I couldn't tell you if I had another dream— a normal run-of-the-mill dream or a dream that would leave me in a state of perplexity, fear, and anger once again. I couldn't tell you because I don't remember, which both delighted and disappointed me. If I had another frightening dream with Marcus in it, I might carry out the violent actions Feather said he would if he had been in my "dream" shoes. But again I don't remember what I dreamt about in the safety of Feather's arms, so that was very delightful. However, the disappointment in not remembering what I dreamt about derived from the fact that there wasn't another Obi Won Kenobi moment with my mom. There were things, like I've mentioned before, that I wanted to tell her— that I would tell her before she had been brutally murdered. What those things were in this moment, I wasn't exactly sure. Elated as I still was about her forgiveness and how proud she said she was of me, maybe what I really wanted was her input about Feather and how confused I was about these new feelings towards him. Like what I should do and how I should go about mending the thoughtless things I did to him in the basement, right around when Dialect opened the door. Yet on a slightly different note, I was glad I was able to tell Feather about the very weird dream and receive his perspective, like I usually would have before... well you know. Unfortunately, I was startled awake, baffled at finding myself cuddling with Feather on the porch and the blanket covering both of us, by Vapor's not-in-the-least-bit-subtle sassy and loud voice waking me up in such a startle I thought I might have a heart attack.

"Found them!" which was followed with, as she started to go back inside and under her breath,"Knew whatever weirdness was going on with them yesterday wasn't going to last long. Those two are like magnets or something."

As the screen door bumped a few times before deciding to stop being so aggressively indecisive on whether it truly wanted to close, I could hear Vapor telling Dialect not to wake Feather and I up until they had finished making breakfast and to help her by making the coffee. I immediately pushed myself up, the pain in my hands feeling like they had been stung by countless number of bees, to sit at the edge of the small cement porch.

"Did she really just compare us to magnets?" I heard Feather ask dryly and groggily from behind me.

Mm-hmm, I telepathically responded as my eyes protested the glare of the sun's morning light upon opening and looking straight at the van that somehow and momentarily resembled a nineties' grunge band van.

"She's really gotta come up with better analogies, don't you think?"

Most definitely... but it's less moronic than 'the Silent Duo' analogy she used a few months ago, I said as I clamped both hands over my mouth to prevent my second ability from causing the earth and the house to quake too much as I yawned.

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