Yandere EraserMic with darling who has ed

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Okay so they going to take this very seriously because they know even if you aren't underweight it can kill you.
They going to calmy talk to you about this you know like no yelling, no like forcing you to eat normal portions they only care if you eat, they going to just got you in right track with time, with support,  with understanding the problem alone.
They will watch you eating, they aren't going to do that weird thing.
I know that they will treat you like princess, they will carry you the whole time. Before kidnaping they try to know how you want to live like and they will make it come true, we all know the money doesn't matter for them.
They don't force you to do anything because they know that you might be not having energy to do that so they will help you or just do it alone, they just want you to recover and they know how it is hard.
When they have to go to work, the day before they will make you lunch boxes with you and they will make sure that you ate that.
If you repeat your dramatically weight loss, they will automatically put you under the tube if you want it or nah because they don't trust you at this point but they still love uuu.

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