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"Clarissa Kent, you're gonna be late for the bus!" Martha called out for her daughter "Coming, mom

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"Clarissa Kent, you're gonna be late for the bus!" Martha called out for her daughter
"Coming, mom." Clarissa calls down to her mother from her room. She was looking at the news articles of all the kids that had made a special accomplishment like being the fastest kid.
Clarissa went down stairs and drank from the milk bottle her mother made a disapproving noise "What it tastes better out of the bottle." Clarissa told her mother "Where'd you learn your manners." "On a farm." Clarissa told her mother then her father came in "Well, afternoon, sleepyhead." Jonathan told Clarissa jokingly, Martha turns to look at her husband and daughter "Oh, don't forget I have class tonight, so you two are going own, and don't order pizza. There's plenty of food in the fridge." Jonathan turns to his daughter to see she has a paper in her hand "hey, what you got there, sweetheart?" Clarissa looks at her parents nervously "Permission slip. It's for the cheer team (or what ever it's called now days cuz I don't know). A couple of spots opened up, they're having tryouts this afternoon. Come on dad, mom. You were on the football team on mom was on the cheer team (If anyone knows what I'm referring to in that sentence I love you) in high school." Jonathan started to look nervous but then the look disappeared "That was different sweetheart." Martha told her daughter as Jonathan sat down next to where she was standing. Clarissa scoffed at her parents "Why?"
"You know why." Jonathan told her daughter. "I figured I wouldn't use all my strength and watch my speed, so I won't hurt anyone." "Look A lot of things could happen in the moment of the cheer, Clarissa." Martha told her daughter "Most of the new girls barley even cheer they still haven't learned the cheer. Chances are if my good memory doesn't work I'll be one of the most of the year anyway. Please, I'll be careful." "I know you can be careful Clarissa. But what if there's an accident? Look, I know this has to be hard for you, but you got to just hang in the like we promised." Clarissa scoffed at her parents and picked her backpack up "I'm sick of hanging in there dad. All I want to do is go through high school without being a total loser." Clarissa storms out of the house while her parents looked at each other with worry.

    Clarissa was walking towards towards the front gate and then she hears a engine ruble and that's when sees the bus leave without her. "I can't believe you get against your best friend." Chloe told Pete "Statistical fact. If Clarissa moved any slower, she'd be extinct." While they were speaking Clarissa used her powers to run to school. Pete and Chloe were walking towards the school when Pete asked Chloe "So, has anyone asked you to the dance." "Not yet." "If nothing pans out with you finding you a date, maybe..." "Pete, do you ever take a break from the soap opera in your head? I told you I don't think I want to go to the dance." "Your vehement denial has been duly noted. Hey maybe if you do decide to go maybe you and I can go together. I mean, not as a date-date thing, more a friend-friend thing. Then next thing you know Clarissa comes running up behind them "Hey guys." Chloe sputters out "What....uh, didn't you just....weren't you.." "I took a shortcut." Clarissa smirks at her friends "Through what, a black hole." Pete puts his arm around Clarissa and starts leading her to school "Clarissa.... you have to excuse our intrepid reporter. Seems as though her weird-ar is on DefCon 5. She thought someone was attacking the bus." "Just because everyone else chooses to ignore the strange things that happen in this leafy little hamlet doesn't mean that they don't happen."  "Now, you know we'd love to join you and Scooby inside the mystery machine for another zany adventure, but we got to hand in these permission slips before homeroom." Pete says as he pulls out his permission slip showing it to Clark and Chloe.

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